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Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology (JFMT) Print Subscription
Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology (JFMT)
Article Submission | View Journals
The Journal promotes collaborative research among forensic experts, research scholars, scientists, the occupation health hazard industry and healthcare professionals. The journal accepts submissions of original research, editorials, review articles, case series, case reports, systematic reviews and book reviews in relevant areas.
Indexing Details:
- SCI Index Journal, Scopus Index Journal, UGC Group II, World Cat, WorldCat Discovery, Publons, Scilit, Google Scholar, Base Indexing, Ebsco, Wos-Applied, Crossref, ICI, ASI
What is the Online Subscription Policy?
The Online Subscription Policy provides time-bound access to publications from January to December, covering one calendar year. During this period, subscribers can access all content published within the timeframe of their subscription.
What does Single User Access or IP Access mean?
Single User Access: This grants exclusive access to a specific username and password for one individual. Sharing login credentials or multiple logins using the same username will result in the user being blocked.
IP Access: IP-based access is provided within the geographical range of an institute. It does not require passwords, and each institute is allotted a single username for access.
Why is subscribing to a Subject Collection advantageous?
Subscribing to a Subject Collection offers several benefits:
Subject-specific publications are bundled together, often at discounted prices.
Access to any publication uploaded to the same subject category within the subscription period is available without additional charges.
How can I sample the content before subscribing?
There are two ways to sample the content:
Sample copies can be requested by emailing subscription@acspublisher.com.
For institutes, a month-long Trial Access facility is available, offering a single session per institute to demonstrate how IP-based access works. This facility can be accessed on the journal home page.
My online access was blocked despite subscribing to the Print & Online versions. Why did this happen?
Print and online versions operate on different timelines. Print versions are dispatched by the publisher and are volume-based, while online versions are available from January to December (Content Publication) of the corresponding year. To maintain constant access, subscribers need to renew their online subscriptions with us.
Can I access back issues if I subscribe to the current year's journal?
Yes, subscribing to the current issue of a journal allows access to older backups or archives, provided they are available with ACS Publisher.