Authors and Reader Benefit

Maintain quick publication: manuscripts are published within 4-8 weeks of submission (assuming no major revisions are required); publish paid or full open access journals: readers can access all content published on this platform for free; publish citation-tracked journals: ACS continually strives for quick coverage and citation-tracking of all of its journals in the top databases of Scopus, Web of Science, PMC, PubMed, and MEDLINE, in addition to a number of other databases.

Peer-Review and Editorial Procedure

Experts review all manuscripts submitted for publication in our journals, including research and review articles, spontaneous submissions, and invited papers. After receiving the manuscript, the journal's Managing Editor will conduct a technical pre-check to ensure its suitability. The submission will be sent to the academic editor, who will be contacted to conduct an editorial pre-check. The peer review process will then be organized by the Editorial Office, which will also collect at least two review reports for each manuscript. Before making a final decision, we request sufficient revisions from our authors and, if necessary, a second round of peer review. The academic editor (usually the guest editor of a special issue or an editor-in-chief of a journal) makes the final decision. English editing and copyediting are used on accepted articles.

1. Research your audience: Before you start writing, it's important to understand who your target audience is. This will help you tailor your content to their needs and interests.

2. Create an outline: Develop an outline for your writing to ensure that your ideas are well-organized and easy to follow. This will also help you stay on track and prevent writer's block.

3. Use clear and concise language: Your writing should be easy to understand and free of jargon or technical terms that might be unfamiliar to your readers.

4. Edit and proofread your work: Always review your writing for errors, typos, and other mistakes. You should also consider having someone else review your work to get a fresh perspective.

5. Be professional: Use a professional tone and style in your writing. Avoid slang, emoticons or abbreviations unless they are appropriate for the context.

6. Provide citations and references: If you are referencing other works, make sure to provide proper citations and references to give credit and avoid plagiarism.

7. Identify your purpose: Understand your purpose before writing. Is it to educate, persuade, or entertain?

8. Keep it engaging: Incorporate examples, anecdotes, and stories in your content to keep it engaging and make it relevant to the reader.

Above all, never be afraid to ask for feedback or support from other authors, editors, or writing groups. Writing is a process, and it takes time to refine your skills.