Utilization of Barley in the Development of Fiber Enriched Chevon Cutlets


  • Pramod Kumar Singh Department of Animal Husbandry, Government of Rajasthan
  • Sunil Kumar Div. of Livestock Products Technology, SUASTJ, Jammu and Kashmir
  • Z. F. Bhat Div. of Livestock Products Technology, SUASTJ, Jammu and Kashmir
  • Pavan Kumar Dept. of Livestock Products Technology, GADVASU, Ludhiana


Cutlets, Chevon, Barley, Fiber, Quality characteristics


A study was conducted to evaluate the possibility of utilization of barley as a source of fiber in the development of fiber-enriched designer chevon cutlets. Three levels of barley flour viz. 2, 4 and 6 percent were incorporated replacing lean meat in the formulation. The products developed were assessed for various physico-chemical, sensory, texture and colour parameters. pH, crude fiber, ash content, texture parameters like hardness, adhesiveness, springiness, cohesiveness, chewiness, gumminess and product redness value showed significant (P<0.05) increasing trend whereas flavor, juiciness and overall acceptability decreased significantly (P<0.05) with increasing levels of incorporation. Based on various physico-chemical and sensory parameters, chevon cutlets containing 4 percent barley flour were optimized as best. 


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How to Cite

Singh, P. K., Kumar, S. ., Bhat, Z. F. ., & Kumar, P. (2014). Utilization of Barley in the Development of Fiber Enriched Chevon Cutlets . Journal of Meat Science, 10(1), 28-35. https://acspublisher.com/journals/index.php/jms/article/view/1732