Active Packaging Film of Starch and Chitosan Incorporated with Beetroot Extract for Improvement of Quality and Shelf Life of Chicken Patties


  • Vishwa Jeet Yadav Department of Livestock Products Technology Mumbai Veterinary College, Mumbai, India
  • V. H. Shukla Department of Livestock Products Technology Mumbai Veterinary College, Mumbai, India
  • R. J. Zende Department of Veterinary Public Health, Mumbai Veterinary College, Mumbai, India



Active Packaging, Edible film, eet Root Extract, Natural Preservation


The present work evaluated the effect of edible film of starch and chitosan  incorporated with beetroot extract on improving chicken patties’ quality  and shelf life. The chicken patties coated with an edible film of starch and  chitosan (T1) and chicken patties coated with an edible film of starch  and chitosan incorporated with beetroot extract (T2) were compared  with patties without any coating (control). The results revealed that T2 had significantly lower (P<0.05) pH, TBARS value, tyrosine value, and  DPPH free radical scavenging activity than T1 and control during a  storage period of 20 days. Total plate count, yeast and mold count, and  psychrophilic counts were significantly reduced in T2 than in T1 and  control, while coliforms were absent in all the treatments throughout the  storage period. Edible film coating did not show any significant effect  (P>0.05) on the sensory characteristics of patties during storage. The  application of starch-chitosan edible film and beetroot extract extended  chicken patties’ shelf-life by 8 to 10 days.  


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How to Cite

Yadav, V. J. ., Shukla, V. H. ., & Zende, R. J. . (2022). Active Packaging Film of Starch and Chitosan Incorporated with Beetroot Extract for Improvement of Quality and Shelf Life of Chicken Patties. Journal of Meat Science, 17(1), 44-53.