Symbolic Adoption of Livestock Based Technologies After Termination of NAIP


  • K.L. Dangi Professor
  • Ramesh Kumar Damor Ph.D. Scholars Dept. of Extension Education, Rajasthan College of Agricultur , MPUAT, Udaipur, Rajasthan 313001


Symbolic adoption, livestock technologies, NAIP


The National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP) was launched in the country during 2006. It has been focusing on  innovations in agricultural technology. The objective was to address the poverty elevation and creating income generation  avenues for disadvantaged people leading to livelihood and nutritional security. The consortium project worth ` 18.3 crore  was given to MPUAT Udaipur, Rajasthan. Process evaluation of livestock based IFS interventions in terms of symbolic  adoption behavior of tribals about Livestock based IFS was carried out in Dungarpur District of Rajasthan, India. Total  104 beneficiaries were interrogated and respondents were categorized into three groups of future possibilities of adoption  level along with ranking of sub- interventions to be adopted in livestock. The results indicated that majority 95.19 per cent  of tribals expressed moderate certainty for future adoption of livestock based IFS interventions followed by 4.81per cent  of them reporting high certainty of future adoption of IFS interventions even after the termination of the project. No  respondent was found under low certainty of adoption. Further, Improved farm implements, Artificial Insemination,  Green fodder production, feeding pattern, Nirbhik breed of poultry, processing equipments and selling of products at the  collection centers were the sub- aspects of Livestock based IFS for which the NAIP beneficiaries were certain for  continuing the adoption after closing of the project. The results are encouraging and reflecting the positive impact of NAIP on tribal beneficiaries in Dungarpur district of Rajasthan state. Based on the findings, it is recommended that the NAIPfor  livestock based IFS must be replicated elsewhere with the same interventions and the beneficiaries of the area be  supported for sustaining the advocated interventions after its termination. 


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How to Cite

Symbolic Adoption of Livestock Based Technologies After Termination of NAIP (K. Dangi & R. K. Damor , Trans.). (2013). Indian Journal of Extension Education, 49(3&4), 154-156.