Article certificate 

Article certificate 


 (ISSN0537-1996 eISSN 2454-552X )


(To be submitted in original to Chief Editor, Indian Journal of Extension Education)

Article ID: ------------ (Electronic Submission)        Dated …………….

Article entitled: ……………………………………………………………………………………… 

Modified title, if any:


Author(s) name : …………,  …………….   

It is certified that:

  1. The article has been seen by all the authors (signatures given below), who are satisfied with its form and content.
  2. The sequence of names of authors in the by-line is as per their relative contribution to this experiment, giving due credit to all who made notable contributions to it.
  3. The address of the organization where the research was conducted is given in the by-line (changes of author’s address is given in the footnote).
  4. The experiment was carried out during (year) ………….. and the article is submitted soon after completion of the experiment/ lapse of ………. months (Mention time in months) at ……………… (mention Institute/University)
  5. The article is exclusive to this journal, and the results reported here have not been sent (and will not be sent during its consideration by this journal) for publication in any other journal.
  6. The article has not been rejected for publication in any other journal/rejected in _______________ whose comments are attached (such a rejection does not disqualify the article for consideration in this journal).
  7. It is based/not based on a part/complete M.Sc./M.Phil/ Ph. D thesis of the first author, who submitted the thesis (university, place).
  8. Correct data and facts are presented in the article.
  9. I/we agree to abide by the objective comments of referees and do agree to modify the article into a short note as per the recommendation, for publication in the Indian Journal of Extension Education.
  10. If published in the Indian Journal of Extension Education, the copyright of this article would vest with the Indian Society of Extension Education, Division of Agricultural Extension, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi-110012 who will have the right to enter into any agreement with any organization in India or abroad engaged in reprography, photocopying, storage and dissemination of information contained in it, and neither we nor our legal heirs will have any claims on royalty. I/ we are well aware of the recent developments and issues related to the Indian Journal of Extension Education.
  11. The lead/ corresponding author is a member of the Indian Society of Extension Education, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi (S-2504)

Signature of the authors with the date (in the same sequence as appears in the article), their names designations, emails, and present correspondence address:

S. No.

Signature with date

Name in full and designation

Present official address

Subscription/ Membership
















The above certificate is correct to the best of my knowledge and I have no objection to the publication of the article cited above in the Indian Journal of Extension Education.


Signature and address of the Head of the department/head of the Institute


 Conflicts of Interest Statement


(ISSN0537-1996  eISSN 2454-552X )

 Manuscript title & Submission Id :  ………………………. To be typed or written clearly

The authors whose names are listed immediately below certify that they have NO affiliations with or involvement in any organization or entity with any financial interest (such as honoraria; educational grants; participation in speakers’  bureaus; membership, employment, consultancies, stock ownership, or other equity interest; and expert testimony or patent-licensing arrangements), or non-financial interest (such as personal or professional relationships, affiliations, knowledge or beliefs) in the subject matter or materials discussed in this manuscript.

 Author names & affiliations:






 The authors whose names are listed immediately below report the following details of affiliation or involvement in an organization or entity with a financial or non-financial interest in the subject matter or materials discussed in this manuscript. Please specify the nature of the conflict on a separate sheet of paper if the space below is inadequate.

 Author names& affiliations:




 This statement is signed by all the authors to indicate agreement that the above information is true and correct (a photocopy of this form may be used if there are more authors): 

Author's name (typed)

Author's signature





 Disclosure of Interest


(ISSN 0537-1996, eISSN2454-552X)




Your Name:

Manuscript Title:

Manuscript number:

In the interest of transparency, we ask you to disclose all relationships/activities/interests listed below that are related to the content of your manuscript.  “Related” means any relation with for-profit or not-for-profit third parties whose interests may be affected by the content of the manuscript.  Disclosure represents a commitment to transparency and does not necessarily indicate a bias.  If you are in doubt about whether to list a relationship/activity/interest, it is preferable that you do so.

The author’s relationships/activities/interests should be defined broadly.  In item #1 below, report all support for the work reported in this manuscript without a time limit.  For all other items, the time frame for disclosure is the past 36 months.


Name all entities with whom you have this relationship or indicate none (add rows as needed)

Specifications/Comments (e.g., if payments were made to you or to your institution)

Time frame: Since the initial planning of the work (if not applicable, may write ‘None’

All support for the present manuscript (e.g., funding, provision of study materials,  writing, article processing charges, etc.)

No time limit for this item



Time frame: past 36 months

Grants or contracts from any entity (if not indicated in item #1 above).



Royalties or licenses



Consulting fees



Payment or honoraria for lectures, presentations, speakers bureaus, manuscript writing or educational events



Payment for expert testimony



Support for attending meetings and/or travel



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Other financial or non-financial interests



Please place an “X” next to the following statement to indicate your agreement.

I certify that I have answered every question and have not altered the wording of any of the questions on this form

Signature with date


 Authors’ Contribution Form


(ISSN 0537-1996, eISSN2454-552X)


(Introducing the authors, their order of appearance, and their contribution)

We, the authors (names and orders of appearance are as the below table), by awareness of the non-changeability of the names, orders of appearance, and information of authors (no authors can be added or removed at all) declare that we all have contributed in producing this article (doing the researches or writing the article) and no names have been added without having an effective role to the article. From the following authors, row No. ……… is introduced as the correspondent author whose name will come as this on the published article. Corresponding author Email: …………………………………………



Name with email address (1)

Affiliation (2)

Last Degree with the subject (3)

Contribution (4)

Percent of contribution (5)

Signature (6)


















































1The whole name of each person as it should be written in the article (First and middle name may be abbreviated but not the last name/ Surname);

2 Affiliation for each author must be accurate as "Group or Department, School or Research Centre, University or Institute, City, Country, Pin code;

Such as Ph.D., M.Sc., etc., and subjects like Agril Extension, Veterinary Extension, or Home Science Extension.

4 Main/ Subsidiary Researcher, Data Analyzer, Writer of the Introduction, Writer of the Discussion, or Methodologist; etc.

5The contribution must be declared as a percentage (must be 100% as a whole).

6 Each author MUST sign his/her name row.

*The corresponding author must have a significantly higher contribution (in percentage) than any other coauthor

**The contribution of the writer of introduction (10%), Writer of discussion (5%), Data analyzer(10%), methodologist (10%), reviser of the manuscript(10%), Chairperson in case of student research (30%), Co-chairperson in student research(15%), Member from Major/minor subject(5%), CO-PI of the project (30%), Project Associate (20%), Cooperating scientists/ technicians (10%), Research Associate(5%) should not exceed ideally as mentioned in parenthesis.  

Submission Template


The Space for Title of the Manuscript

Title Should Not Exceed 14 Words and Must be Representative of the Content.

The title should be in ‘Capitalize Each Word'



The abstract is a mini version of full paper. Abstract should contain year of study, brief account of principal objective(s), methods used, principal results, and main conclusion in understandable form so that the reader need not refer to the whole article except for details.. It should be written in simple past tense, in complete sentences, limited to 150-200 words. It should not have references to literature, illustrations, and tables.



The keywords best describe the nature of the research after the abstract. Provide a list of 5 to 8 keywords (indexing terms). The first letter of each keyword should be in upper case or capital letters. As major words in the title are not used in the subject index, appropriate words from the title (or synonyms) should be listed as keywords.



The introduction provides a rationale for the study, written in the present tense, and refers to established knowledge in literature. It should contain the nature and scope of the problem, a review of relevant literature, a hypothesis, approach, and a justification for this approach. No trade name should be used and Industrial products should be referred to by their chemical names (give ingredients in parentheses) at first mention. In the absence of a common name, use the full name or a defined abbreviation, in preference to a trade name. It should be between 450-500 words without sub heading/s. The word et al, if used in any in-text citation must not be in italics.



The’ methodology describes what was done- experimental model or field study. It should be an exhaustive one (in logical order, with sufficient details to reproduce the procedure) without tables and figures (approximately 300- 400 words). The subheadings must be avoided as far as possible in methodology. It should be written in the simple past tense. Where the methods are well known, the citation of standard work is sufficient. All modifications of procedures must be explained. Experimental materials and statistical models should be described clearly and fully. Calculations and the validity of deductions made from them should be checked and validated. Units of measurement, symbols, and standard abbreviations should conform to international standards. Metric measurements are preferred, and dosages should be expressed entirely in metric units (SI units). Give the meaning of all symbols immediately after the equation in which they are first used. Avoid subheadings in the methodology. 



         The results and discussion should preferably be combined to avoid repetition. Results present the data, the facts- what you found/ calculated/ discovered/ observed. It should be written in the simple past tense to report your observations on the experiment/fieldwork, and its comparison/contrast. Only the salient results need to be presented instead of writing the whole tabular/ graphical data in text.  Too many paragraphs are discouraged; one concept must be dealt with in one place and time in one paragraph. The Discussion shows the relationship among the facts, it puts results in the context of previous research, and the emphasis must be on presenting results in relation to established knowledge. The discussion should contain trends, relationships, generalizations, any exceptions, outlying data, and agreement/ disagreement with previous research with reasons. The discussion should be written in the present tense. IJEE does not appreciate more than three subheadings in Results and Discussion. Avoid making too many tables just for the number's sake, do not give socio-personal profile table and text till it is utmost necessary and has some bearing on the other part of the research (most times it is not so). Ideally, Results and Discussion should range between 2000-3000 words.


          Results should be presented in tabular form and graphs when feasible but not both. The colour figures and plates are printed when information would be lost if reproduced in black and white. Mean results with the relevant standard errors should be presented rather than detailed data. The data should be so arranged that the tables would fit in the normal layout of the page. Self-explanatory tables should be typed on separate sheets and carry appropriate titles. The titles of tables/figures should not be more than 12 words. The tabular matter should not exceed 20% of the text. Any abbreviation used in a table must be defined in that table. All tables should be cited in the text. If an explanation is necessary, use an abbreviation in the body of the table (e.g. ND) and explain clearly in footnotes what the abbreviation means. References to footnotes in a table are specified by superscript numbers, independently for each table. Superscript letters are used to designate statistical significance. Use a lowercase p to indicate probability values (i.e. p<0.05). In general, use numerals, when two numbers appear adjacent to each other, spell out the first (i.e. three districts were selected rather than 3 districts were selected). In a series using some numbers less than 10 and some more than 10 use numerals for all (i.e. 2 splits, 6 plants were selected). Do not begin a sentence with a numeral. Spell it out or rearrange the sentence. Abbreviate the terms hour (h), minute (min) and second (sec) when used with a number in the text but spell them out when they are used alone. Do not use a hyphen to indicate inclusiveness (e.g. use 12 to 14 years or wk 3 and 4, not 12-14 mg or wk 3-4). Use Arabic numerals with abbreviated units of measure: 2 g, 5 d, $4.00, 3%, and numerical designations in the text: exp 1, group 3, etc. 

        The paper should always be written in the third person form (Avoid I /We / Research Team / Project Team etc.).There is always a different style for paper writing and thesis writing, try to be precise enough without compromising the quality. Avoid too many paragraphs; one concept must be dealt with in one place and time in one paragraph. There must not be 3-4 subheadings in the result and discussion and the table & figures must be limited to a maximum of 5 for the research paper and 3 for the research note. Avoid presenting the same data in text, table, and figures verbatim. Avoid making too many tables just for the number sake, also avoid giving socio personal profiles till it is utmost necessary and has some bearing on the other part of the research (most times it is not so). Also discouraged too many columns in the table, like; number/ frequency in one column, the percentage in the second, and rank in the third, only one column showing percent will be sufficient.

       Figures (histogram/pie chart/another type of chart) should be in editable rich text material with the backup data file. The image of the figure or jpg/jpeg is not allowed.



The conclusion’ summarizes principal findings and should not be more than one paragraph (100-150 words) after the discussion and explain in general terms the implications of the findings of this research. It has to be written in the present tense and the emphasis must be on what should now be accepted as established knowledge. The conclusion should relate back to the introduction and hypothesis. The implication, the significance of your results, or any practical application must find a place in the conclusion. Abbreviations, acronyms, or citations should not be used here. It should not be a repetition of the abstract.




The REFERENCES lists should be typed in alphabetical order. The reference list should be first sorted alphabetically by author(s) and secondly chronologically. A recent issue of the journal should be consulted for the methods of citation of REFERENCES in the text as well as at the end of the article. The Indian Journal of Extension Education (IJEE) follows common APA Style references and citations in text. Journal names should never be abbreviated. For more information on references and reference examples, see Chapters 8, 9, and 10 of the Publication Manual as well as the Concise Guide to APA Style (7th ed.). Also, see the Reference Examples pages on the APA Style website. A few examples of reference sections as well as in-text citations are given at  :

      A minimum of three references from the previous three years' issues of IJEE available at epubs only are encouraged. There must be at least 15 references from the related research. It is appreciable if the references are from Social Science/ Extension Education/ Communication/ Entrepreneurship/ Management/ Education related journals. References from other non-social science journals are not appreciated. References should not be abbreviated especially the journal name (as per IJEE style). Check capitalization Vs sentence case properly. In references, the ‘&’ should be used instead of ‘and’ before the last author's name, whereas in the text it should be ‘and’. The word ‘et al’ must not be in italics in the text. The reference, in general, should not be older than 15 years and should be from published sources only. Avoid unpublished thesis (older than five years) references. Wherever possible provide the URL of the reference. Unauthenticated references may lead to the rejection of the manuscript.



Please specify the nature of the conflict and details of affiliation or involvement in an organization or entity with a financial or non-financial interest in the subject matter or materials discussed in this manuscript.



      Authors must obtain permission to reproduce any copyrighted material and include an acknowledgment of the source in their article. They should be aware that the unreferenced use of published and unpublished ideas, writing or illustrations of others, or submission of a complete paper under new authorship in a different or the same language, is plagiarism.

     Articles forwarded to the editor for publication are understood to be offered to the Indian Journal of Extension Education exclusively and the copyrights automatically stand transferred to the Indian Society of Extension Education. It is also understood that the authors have obtained the approval of their department, faculty, or institute in cases where such permission is necessary. The Editorial Board takes no responsibility for facts or opinions expressed in the Journal, which rests entirely with the authors thereof. Proof correction should be in Track Change mode. All queries marked in the article should be answered. Proofs are supplied for a check-up of the correctness of typesetting and facts. The proofs should be returned within 3 days. The alternation in the author's name is not permitted at any later stage after the article is submitted to the Indian Journal of Extension Education.

        The article certificate, Author Contribution form, Disclosure of Competing Interest & Declaration of Conflict of Interest duly signed by all the authors should be mailed in original to Chief Editor, ISEE on acceptance of the manuscript in the prescribed format (available at In absence of these certificates, the manuscript processing will immediately be stopped and will not be published.



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