A Study on Constraints in People's Participation in Integrated Watershed Development


  • Tushar Athare Scientist, Zonal Project Directorate, Zone-VII, JNKVV, Jabalpur,
  • Baldeo Singh Ex-Joint Director, (Extension), IARI, New Delhi,
  • Vishnu Gouda Research scholar, Division of Agril.Extension, IARI, New Delhi,
  • B. K. Singh Principal Scientist, CATAT, IARI, New Delhi.


Constraints watershed development, people's participation, strategy, watershed management


Astudy conducted in Ahmednagar district of Maharashtra, where the famous Anna Hazare's Ralegaon Siddhi was located,  a series of constraints were identified in various stages of watershed development process. The major constraints were:  lack of agreement on identification and prioritization of felt needs and unfelt needs, lack of conviction among some  villagers to envisage the possible benefits to be accrued through watershed development activities in the initial stage, lack  of technically qualified field assistants, inappropriate design of engineering solutions, neglect of technical matters in  planning and design stage, lack of comprehensive understanding of the problem, field situation, appropriate technical  solutions for watershed by government functionaries in planning stage, procedural delays in approvals, sanctions and  fund disbursal, sanctioning power limitations and hierarchy issues, non-availability of funds at the time when most  needed, and poor quality materials and hence poor quality soil conservation and check dams engineering works in the  implementation stage. In the post-implementation stage, lack of post-implementation budgets for maintenance and  sustainable management of watersheds was a major constraint. Among the suggestions given by respondents for better  watershed management, the most important were: specific measures for human development including good and  dedicated leadership, decision by consensus of all stakeholders, encouraging people to take own initiatives and not rely on  government for everything, using community pressure for those who do not adhere to group decisions, empowering  women with self help groups, and engaging youth in constructive activities. Among the economic and ecological  measures, encouraging dairying to augment farm incomes, banning open grazing, tree felling, undertake massive tree  plantation and among the water conservation measures, forming water cooperatives, using water judiciously and arresting  flow of water wherever possible were suggested.


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How to Cite

A Study on Constraints in People’s Participation in Integrated Watershed Development (T. Athare, B. Singh, V. Gouda, & B. K. Singh , Trans.). (2013). Indian Journal of Extension Education, 49(3&4), 149-153. https://acspublisher.com/journals/index.php/ijee/article/view/5570