Constraints Perceived in Adoption of Improved Practices of Small Scale Dairying: A Gender Analysis


  • Jyoti Yadav Ph.D Scholor Division of Extension Education, Indian Veterinary Research Institute 3. Izatnagar 243 122 (U.P.),
  • Hema Tripathi Principal Scientist & PC (KVK) Division of Extension Education, Indian Veterinary Research Institute 3. Izatnagar 243 122 (U.P.),
  • Anirudha Kumar Izatnagar 243 122 (U.P.), Veterinary Officer Dist. Sitapur (U.P.)


Female and male headed households, constraints, improved practices, adoption and small scale dairying


The present study was carried out in mid western plain zone of Uttar Pradesh to identify the various constraints perceived  separately by female and male headed households in adopting improved practices in small scale dairying. Data were  collected through interview schedule from 50 female and 50 male headed households. The study revealed that the major  constraints among breeding practices perceived by females and male respondents were same i.e. non functioning of A.I.  centre/ill equipped A.I. centre followed by scarcity of resources to maintain crossbred cattle/superior breed of milch  animals. Inadequate knowledge about scientific feeding, high cost of ingredients of concentrates mixture and preference  to grow cash crops instead of fodder crops were found to be the first, second and third major constraints in both sets of  respondents in adoption of improved feeding practices. Lack of knowledge about common contagious diseases, their  causes & control measures (Ist), ill equipped veterinary hospitals and lack of facility for treatment, vaccine (IInd) were the  constraints perceived by women respondents.


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How to Cite

Constraints Perceived in Adoption of Improved Practices of Small Scale Dairying: A Gender Analysis (J. Yadav, H. Tripathi, & A. Kumar , Trans.). (2013). Indian Journal of Extension Education, 49(3&4), 86-89.