Profile of Peri-urban and Rural Dairy Farmers : A Comparative Analysis


  • Kamta Prasad Dwivedi Research Scholar, Department of Extension Education, Institute. of Agril. Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi (U.P.)-221 005
  • Arun Kumar Research Scholar, Department of Extension Education, Institute. of Agril. Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi (U.P.)-221 005
  • Prakash Singh Professor, Department of Extension Education, N.D.U.A.&T. Kumarganj, Faizabad (U.P.)- 224 229


Socio-economic profile, peri-urban, rural farmers, dairy farmers


This study was conducted in Faizabad district of Uttar Pradesh to study the socio-economic profile of peri-urban and rural  dairy farmers with a sample of 120 dairy farmer (60 peri-urban + 60 rural) selected from eight villages selected through  probability proportionate sampling technique on the basis of herd size. The study revealed that the majority of peri-urban  (88.33%) and rural dairy farmers (75%) were literate with the dominancy of joint family system (68.33% in peri-urban  and 65% in rural). The majority of peri-urban dairy farmers (63.33%) and rural dairy farmers (56.66%) were found to be  medium size family i.e. 5-8 members; and possessed pucca house 65 per cent and 61.66 per cent, respectively. The  majority of both type of farmers (90% and 78.33%) reported agriculture as their main occupation. Amajority of the periurban dairy farmers (46.66%) was found to be having marginal land holding, while rural dairy farmers (33.33%) were  found in each marginal and large land holding categories. The annual income of majority of the peri-urban and rural dairy  farmers (45% and 40%) was found in the category of ` 60,001/- to 90,000/- and 30,000/-1 to 60,000/- respectively. The  dominant mass media information sources were observed to be radio followed by mobile and television. Majority of periurban dairy farmers (55%) and rural dairy farmers (73.33%) were observed to be in the medium category of material  possession. The medium level of scientific orientation, achievement motivation, economic motivation and value  orientation were found among both type of respondents.  





How to Cite

Profile of Peri-urban and Rural Dairy Farmers : A Comparative Analysis (K. P. Dwivedi, A. Kumar, & P. Singh , Trans.). (2014). Indian Journal of Extension Education, 50(3&4), 53-57.