Analyzing Constraints in Conflict Management in Wasteland Development Project


  • M. Ullas M.Sc. student in Dept. of Agricultural Extension Bangalore University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore- 560065, (India)
  • V. L. Madhu Prasad Professor, Directorate of Extension, Bangalore University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore- 560065, (India)
  • G. R. Pennobaliswamy Professor, Directorate of Extension, Bangalore University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore- 560065, (India)


Problems, resolving conflicts, shgs (self help groups), suggestions, wasteland development project


The study was aimed to analyze the constraints encountered by Pragathi Bandu Self Help Group (SHG) members while  implementing the Wasteland Development project. The present study was conducted in purposively selected Shimoga  district of Karnataka state during 2013. Two taluks namely Shimoga and Bhadravathi were selected. From each taluk the  villages having maximum number of Pragathi Bandu SHG members were selected. Total 36 Pragathi Bandu SHGs  formed by SKDRDP were considered for the study. From each SHG, three members were randomly selected thus,  making a total sample size of 108. The results revealed that all Pragathi Bandu SHG members expressed political  influence, was major problem in resolving conflicts and majority (90.7%) of the respondents suggested to create general  awareness about the essentiality of formation of SHGs for wasteland development activities.


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How to Cite

Analyzing Constraints in Conflict Management in Wasteland Development Project (M. Ullas, V. L. M. Prasad, & G. R. Pennobaliswamy , Trans.). (2015). Indian Journal of Extension Education, 51(1&2), 109-111.