Awareness and Attitude of Farmers towards Agro-forestry


  • Satyendra Kumar Singh Research Scholar Department of Extension Education, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, BHU Varanasi-221005
  • R. K. Doharey Professor Department of Extension Education NDUA&T Kumarganj Faizabad-224229.
  • A. K. Singh Research Scholar and Professor & Head, Department of Extension Education, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, BHU Varanasi-221005
  • Prakash Singh Professor Department of Extension Education NDUA&T Kumarganj Faizabad-224229.
  • Sandip Kumar Singh SRF Department of Agronomy MPUA&T Udaipur, Rajasthan.


Awareness, attitude, farmers, agro forestry, agro forestry practices


The study was conducted in Milkipur block of Faizabad District by concluding personal interview with 100 respondents  selected through proportionate random sampling technique on the criteria of land holding size possessed, viz. Marginal,  small, medium and large to find out the knowledge, attitude and adoption of agro-forestry systems. The majority of  respondents (73 %) were found having medium level of attitude towards agro-forestry and attitude was measured on the  scale developed by Shukla and Tyagi (2002). The respondents were categorized into three categories such as low, medium  and high on the basis on the respondents e.g. low (up to 38), medium (39 to 44), high (45 and above) based on (i) mean-SD  (ii) between mean ± SD (iii) mean +SD respectively. The correlation of attitude with like economic motivation and  knowledge extent were found to be highly significant.


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How to Cite

Awareness and Attitude of Farmers towards Agro-forestry (S. K. Singh, R. K. Doharey, A. K. Singh, P. Singh, & S. K. Singh , Trans.). (2015). Indian Journal of Extension Education, 51(1&2), 102-104.