Demonstrations of Pendimethalin for Control of Phalaris minor in Wheat Crop


  • S. S. Manhas DES (Agronomy), Punjab Agricultural University, FASC, Barnala


Wheat, Phalaris Minor, Pendimethalin, Weed Control, Economics


The present study was carried out in Barnala district of Punjab during Rabi-2015-16. Front line demonstrations on  pendimethalin for control of Phalaris minor in wheat crop were carried out in different farmers' fields. On comparison  with farmers' practices, it was recorded that the application of pendimethalin @ 1000 ml/acre resulted less Phalaris minor  density, weed dry weight and maximum WCE as compared to other farmers practices viz. Clodinafop @160 to 300 g/acre,  Pinoxaden 400 to 500 ml/acre, Sulfosulfuron @ 13 g/acre, Mesosulfuron + Iodosulfuron (Atlantis) @160 to 200 g/acre  and Sulfosulfuron + Metsulfuron (Total) @ 16g/acre. Application of pendimethalin @ 1000 ml/acre also result more plant  height, effective tillers, grain yield, net return and B: C ratio as compared other farmers practices. The application of  pendimethalin @ 1000 ml/acre in wheat crop had no residual effect on growth and yield of succeeding crop (fodder maize,  sesbania, rice, moong and cotton) as responded by 85 farmers. Lack of knowledge about pendimethalin for weed control  in wheat (18.8%), fear of low benefit: cost ratio (16.5%), busy schedule at the time of sowing (14.1%), lack of guidance for  pendimethalin application (11.8%), fear of ineffectiveness of pendimethalin (10.6%) were the major reasons towards  non-adoption. Publicising the details in respect to dose, time and method of application and intensive training programme  on herbicide use in farmers' field were felt as some crucial steps for increasing the adoption level. 


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How to Cite

Demonstrations of Pendimethalin for Control of Phalaris minor in Wheat Crop (S. S. Manhas , Trans.). (2017). Indian Journal of Extension Education, 53(3), 132-137.