An Exemplary Story of Growing Temperate Mushroom in Tropical Climate of Rural India: Lessons for Other Startups


  • Mahantesh Shirur Scientist and Corresponding author, Directorate of Mushroom Research, Solan-173 213, HP, India,
  • Shivalinge Gowda N. S. Professor, Department of Agricultural Extension, UAS, GKVK, Bengaluru-560 065, India,
  • Chandregowda M. J. Principal Scientist, ICAR-agricultural technology application research institute, Zone-VII, Hebbal, Bengaluru-24,
  • Sunil Junior Research Fellow, Department of Agricultural Extension, UAS, GKVK, Bengaluru-560 065, India
  • Rajesh K. Rana Principal Scientist, ICAR-National Institute of Agricultural Economics and Policy Research, DPS Marg, Pusa, New Delhi-110012, India


Mushroom cultivation, Success story, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial behaviour, Startups


Mushroom cultivation is a remunerative agribusiness in India and other parts of the world. Being an emerging  commercial activity, many startup entrepreneurs are venturing into mushroom cultivation in India. Consumer demand  for a particular mushroom variety drives entrepreneurs to create environment controlled facilities for growing that  particular mushroom. Growing a temperate mushroom in a tropical climate is advantageous on profit front but it  poses several challenges too. The notion of mushroom as a food of elite and several other myths associated with its  consumption are impeding its spread to rural areas. A case study of growing temperate mushroom in the tropics of  rural India was undertaken. Based on the project cost and cost of growing a temperate mushroom in the countryside  of tropical region, the techno-economic feasibility analysis was carried out in this study. The observations in the case  study have implications for the mushroom entrepreneurship and mushroom consumption in India and many other  tropical countries. Based on the case study, lessons for startup enterprises are also delineated. 


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How to Cite

An Exemplary Story of Growing Temperate Mushroom in Tropical Climate of Rural India: Lessons for Other Startups (M. Shirur, S. G. N. S., C. M. J., Sunil, & R. K. Rana , Trans.). (2017). Indian Journal of Extension Education, 53(3), 98-104.