Knowledge and Achievement Motivation of Marine Fishers : A Case of Alternate Livelihood Options in Tamil Nadu


  • Johnson Scientist &Mandapam Regional Centre of CMFRI, Marine Fisheries Post, Mandapam Ramanathapuram district – 623 520, Tamil Nadu
  • A. K. Abdul Nazar Principal Scientist & Scientist-in-Charge, Mandapam Regional Centre of CMFRI, Marine Fisheries Post, Mandapam Ramanathapuram district – 623 520
  • R. Narayanakumar Principal Scientist & Head, SEETTD, Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, P.B.No. 1603, Kochi- 682018, Kerala


Alternate livelihood options, knowledge, achievement motivation, marine fishers


In recent past, farming of marine fishes is being encouraged among the marine fishers to supplement the household  income from capture fisheries, because the fish catch is declining. The study on extent of knowledge and achievement  motivation of marine fishers’ adopting alternate livelihood options like sea cage farming, seaweed farming and  ornamental fish culture was conducted in Ramanathapuram district of Tamil Nadu since many marine fisheries related  activities are being undertaken in larger scale in comparison to other coastal districts. Overall analyses on level of  achievement motivation reveal that majority of respondents who are adopting the alternate livelihood options are having  medium to high level of achievement motivation. All the farming options have to be undertaken in the sea, which is a  common property and it demands a common consensus in a particular village or region for taking up an activity in a  desirable and profitable way. Hence, the need for personal achievement was present in majority of fishers, followed by  personal achievement oriented influence and need for social achievement. The study found that fishers were able to  perform better in the knowledge test since they gained adequate knowledge on all the alternate livelihood options.  


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How to Cite

Knowledge and Achievement Motivation of Marine Fishers : A Case of Alternate Livelihood Options in Tamil Nadu (Johnson, A. K. A. Nazar, & R. Narayanakumar , Trans.). (2017). Indian Journal of Extension Education, 53(1), 41-44.