Perception of Farmers about Usefulness of University Kisan Mela


  • M. N. Ansari Assistant Professor, Department of Extension Education, Tirhut College of Agriculture (Under Dr. RPCAU, Pusa), Dholi, Muzaffarpur, BIHAR.
  • A. K. Paswan Assistant Professor, Department of Extension Education, Tirhut College of Agriculture (Under Dr. RPCAU, Pusa), Dholi, Muzaffarpur, BIHAR.


Perception, Kisan Mela


The study was undertaken to know the perception of farmers about usefulness of university Kisan Mela. The study was  conducted at Rajendra Agricultural University, Bihar where Kisan Mela was organized for three days from 5-7th March  2016, involving 120 randomly selected participating farmers. The findings indicated that maximum numbers of  participants were middle age group, had matriculation level of education, belong to OBC category, untrained with small  land holding and agriculture and subsidiary was major occupation. Good majority of participating farmers perceived that  information received at Kisan Mela on Agricultural implements & machine, IFS, Dairy & AH, Mushroom Cultivation and  Medicinal & Herbal planting were more useful. It was also observed that more than fifty percent of the respondents  expressed their opinion that suggestions by experts, Kisan Gosthi and horticultural exhibition were very good. Most of  them were of the opinion that sale of inputs, transport arrangement and food facilities in farmers fair were average.  


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How to Cite

Perception of Farmers about Usefulness of University Kisan Mela (M. N. Ansari & A. K. Paswan , Trans.). (2018). Indian Journal of Extension Education, 54(1), 179-182.