The Impact of University Leadership and the University Organizational Environment on the Performance of staff: A Case Study at Al Maaqal University (Private Sector)


  • Yusra Yaseen Lazim Department of Business Administration, Collage of Administration and Economics, Almaaqal University, Basrah, Iraq



University leadership, University organizational environment, Performance of staff, Al-Maaqal private university


This study aims to explore the impact of the interaction of the university leadership and the university organizational environment on the performance level of the staff at Al-Maaqal university. This university was chosen as a field of study because it is a new university and needs studies that develops and contributes to improve its overall performance. The problem defined by the following question: to what extent does the interaction of the university leadership and the university organizational environment affect the performance level of the teaching staff at Al Maaqal University?). The method of this study adopted a major hypothesis in which there is a statistically significant effect of university leadership and university environment on the performance of university staff. A questionnaire was designed for the purpose of testing the relationship and the impact between university leadership and university environment and the performance of university staff. The results of the study indicated that the building of university leadership was appropriate environment for staff, which is reflected in improving their teaching performance.


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How to Cite

Lazim, Y. Y. (2022). The Impact of University Leadership and the University Organizational Environment on the Performance of staff: A Case Study at Al Maaqal University (Private Sector) . South Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 3(1), 70-85.