Issues of Single Mothers in Practice Parenting Style to Adolescent in Indonesia


  • Ika Indrawaty Hamzah Universiti Utara Malaysia, College of Arts and Sciences, School of Education and Modern Languages
  • Fauziah Md Jaafar Universiti Utara Malaysia, College of Arts and Sciences, School of Education and Modern Languages


Issues, Single mother, Practice, Parenting style, ,Adolescent


This paper aims to illustrate the issues of single mothers in practice parenting style to adolescents in  Indonesia. Single mothers are a massive challenge to continue living with their children because they  carry out multiple responsibilities, including childcare and the livelihood of their children. However,  they have lost their dependence, inability to give birth to young children and in school using heavy  stress including financial, psychological, stigma, social, and social problems in educating their  children. To overcome the problems faced, single mothers need social support from the parties  concerned. Therefore, this paper recommends to the relevant parties for each program that can assist  single mothers who can be independent and various problems faced that squeeze life with their  children. 


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How to Cite

Hamzah, I. I. ., & Jaafar , F. M. . (2020). Issues of Single Mothers in Practice Parenting Style to Adolescent in Indonesia . South Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 1(2), 50-59.