Developing a Conceptual Framework on Retailers’ Performance Towards Tourists’ Shopping Satisfaction


  • Ataul Karim Patwary School of Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia.


Shopping Tourism, Retailers, Performance, International Tourists, Malaysia


Malaysia is well known for its shopping reputation among the tourists, specially from Asian and  Middle East countries. Shopping is one of the reasons why international tourists chose to visit  Malaysia. During shopping, most of the time international tourists interact with retailers which is the  context of this study. This study aims to explore on tourists’ shopping related issues in Malaysia in  relation with retailers’ performance and develop a framework which will direct the future researchers  to conduct empirical investigations. For the current study, the researcher relied on existing literature  in the area of international tourists’ shopping behavior and how it influences on their satisfaction. 


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How to Cite

Patwary , A. K. (2020). Developing a Conceptual Framework on Retailers’ Performance Towards Tourists’ Shopping Satisfaction . South Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 1(1), 60-67.