Can Covid-19 Guide Stakeholders Towards Future Of Hospitality Education? A Study On Students’ Expectations From Training With Reference To Hotel Management Institutes In Mumbai


  • Dr. Anupam Dhoundiyal Associate Professor, Faculty, Training Ship Rahaman
  • Sunil Salunke Associate Professor, Faculty, Training Ship Rahaman



Hospitality Training, Hotel Management Courses, COVID-19 Impact


Background: Barring few sectors like healthcare, the COVID-19 pandemic had severely affected most of the business. Tourism  and hospitality were amongst few industries harshly hit by the pandemic. In hospitality worst affected segment of HR were  'freshers' from hotel management institutes. With literally no experience and limited skills they have very few takers in industry  with minimum emoluments in offering. Objectives: The prime objective of this paper is to find out the change in the perceptions  of students from hospitality education after COVID-19 pandemic. Methodology: This is survey-based study. The responses  were taken twice with same set of respondents, first when peak of second COVID wave was over and it looked that things will be  normal in near future and second responses were taken when third COVID wave seemed to be inevitable in India. Total 135  students took part in both the surveys and their responses were recorded for further analysis. Results: Pandemic compelled  students to think outside their usual choice of four major revenue producing department to commence their career. Marketing  and sales, retail industry, HR and training were their preferred choice. Communication and technical skills, physical fitness,  creativity and food safety were the attributes listed by them as essential for hospitality professionals. Further, respondents  wanted subjects like personality development and communication skills, hotel specific accounting and marketing operations.  HRM as practiced in hotel industry, food safety and hospital catering and investments and trading as core subjects in their  syllabi. Conclusion: It is high time that hotel management institutes should shift their approach from four operational  departments to other equally lucrative field like marketing and retail. 


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How to Cite

Can Covid-19 Guide Stakeholders Towards Future Of Hospitality Education? A Study On Students’ Expectations From Training With Reference To Hotel Management Institutes In Mumbai . (2023). PUSA Journal of Hospitality and Applied Sciences, 9(1), 1-11.