Hauté Indian Cuisine: Instagrammable Food Of India


  • Gitanshu Kumar Assistant Lecturer, AIHM Chandigarh
  • Prakhar Gupta Student, Institute of hotel Management, Pusa, New Delhi


Indian Haute Cuisine, Indian Food, Restaurant, Insta-food, Social Media


Background: Social media has become a powerful asset to marketing within the food industry,  as sharing food through social media becomes increasingly important. This means that colour  is being embraced and celebrated in food and drink, specifically on social media platforms  that provoke these trends. Nowadays dining is not about, going to a driveway and getting  your regular burger with fries and coke, or going to a restaurant and get a butter chicken  with dollop of butter and cream on top of it with a roomali roti. The modern restaurant client  consists mostly of Millennial, and in today’s world dining out is a social activity and also  done for social media. Therefore, the urge for food that looks appealing came into existence.  This is an era of Instagram and Snapchat, where a dish should be worthy enough of a picture.  This is why chefs have now turned into artists. ‘Instagrammable’ food or Insta-food is food  that either looks great or stands out in some way – colour, texture, ingredients. This led to the  creation of Indian Haute Cuisine which challenges the traditional aspect of food and creates  it in various plating styles in an urge to create them appealing. The concept expands beyond  just the Instagram platform into others such as Twitter, Pinterest and Tumblr as well. As  consumers, are naturally visual creatures and are drawn to beautiful photography in social  media feeds. Objective: This study is focused on effects of social media on food industry  which leads to creation of Haute Indian Cuisine. Methodology: A quantative research is done  on the basis of random sampling. Total number of respondents were 60, these people were  residents of Chandigarh who are either Restaurant Operators and Food Bloggers with 1000+  followers. Results: The study was able to assess the widespread prevalence of Instragammable  food and its acceptability amongst the Restaurant Operators and Food Bloggers with 80% of  respondent clicking photographs and uploading it regularly. People are very well aware of the  emerging trends of Indian Haute Cuisine and contributing to it. Majority of the respondents  (73%) preferred appeal of dish over health factor. Conclusion: Indian Haute Cuisine is a  concept that is prevailing and growing in the industry, and the operators should try to make  food sustainable and healthy along with its visual appeal.


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How to Cite

Hauté Indian Cuisine: Instagrammable Food Of India . (2020). PUSA Journal of Hospitality and Applied Sciences, 6, 14-21. https://acspublisher.com/journals/index.php/pjhas/article/view/3388