A Study On The Preference Of Colour Of The Hotel Guest And Emotional Effect Of Primary Colours


  • Shruti Mehrotra Customer Relationship Officer, Calvin Klein Jeans,
  • Shweta Misra Senior Lecturer, Institute of Hotel Management, Catering and Nutrition, Pusa, New Delhi


Colour Scheme, Emotions, Sensitization, Guest Room, Preferred


Background: Colours in any space have a huge impact on how a person feels and behaves.  Thus, the colour scheme of a room plays a major role towards the mood of the guest which  in turn tends to increase the level of satisfaction of the guests. Objectives: The objectives  of the present study are: To find the most desired colour preferred by guest in their rooms,  to find the association of preference of colour with gender of the respondent and to identify  emotions attached with primary colours. Methodology: The research design for this study was  descriptive. The sample size for the study was 200. Sampling technique used was Convenience  Sampling. Subjects were from Delhi/NCR in the age group of 18 to 55 years. 105 males and  95 females responded. The study entailed an analysis based on the prepared questionnaire in  relation to the topic of the research. The results were then drawn out on the basis of frequency  analysis and chi square test using MINITAB 14 software. Results: The findings of the present  study revealed that a majority (44.5%) of the responders would like their guest room to be in  neutral colours. Also, it was observed that people felt uncomfortable (32.5%) by looking at  the colour red, happy (31%) with the colour yellow and relaxed (49.5%) with the colour blue.P value of Chi square test was less than 0.05, therefore there is significant association between  preference of colour and gender. Conclusion: The most preferred colour scheme in the guest  rooms was found to be neutral. Also, among the three primary colours, blue was the colour  that was mostly associated with positive emotions, red with negative while the reactions for the  yellow colour were mixed. Hence, more of blue and related colours should be incorporated  in the guest rooms. 


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How to Cite

A Study On The Preference Of Colour Of The Hotel Guest And Emotional Effect Of Primary Colours . (2021). PUSA Journal of Hospitality and Applied Sciences, 7(2), 43-52. https://acspublisher.com/journals/index.php/pjhas/article/view/3383