Waste Management and Recycle Practices in the Hotel Industry


  • Jyoti Research Scholar, Galgotias University, Greater Noida
  • Md Chand Rashid Professor, Galgotias University, Greater Noida
  • Monalisha Dash Associate Professor, Galgotias University, Greater Noida




Delhi, NCR, hotel industry, waste management, recycle practice


Background: In the current era of eco-friendly and environmental strategies, waste practices like recycling offer potential  benefits for the hotel industry. However, research supporting the financial advantages of these practices is still lacking.  Objective: This study aims to explore the waste management which is being produced by the hotel sector and recycle  practices which are adopted by the hotel. The study also evaluates the potential environmental benefits of recycling,  particularly in relation to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Methodology: Primary data was collected via a  questionnaire distributed to 37 hotels, of which 22 expressed interests in completing the questionnaire and participating  in face-to-face interviews. SPSS was used for the data analysis and thematic analysis used for analyzing the interview  data. Locale of the study was Delhi NCR, Region. Results: The paper’s findings reveal a total waste volume of 584.33  units, with 212.16 units distributed across the different categories such as plastic bottles, other plastic, aluminum etc.  The results suggest that hotels need to implement more stringent recycling practices, which would not only benefit the  environment but also unlock potential financial advantages. Additionally, promoting guest involvement in recycling  initiatives is advised to improve cost-effectiveness and profitability within the industry. Conclusion: Effective waste  management and recycling practices are essential for enhancing sustainability in the hotel industry. 


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How to Cite

Waste Management and Recycle Practices in the Hotel Industry . (2024). PUSA Journal of Hospitality and Applied Sciences, 10(2), 60-66. https://doi.org/10.48165/pjhas.2024.10.2.8