Postharvest technology and value addition of watermelons (Citrullus lanatus): an overview


  • Kutyauripo Innocent Department of Quality Assurance and Standards, Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education Science and Technology Development, Zimbabwe Author
  • Rumbidzai Trust Matenda Division of Science Technology, Harare Polytechnic, Zimbabwe Author


Watermelon,, Postharvest, Value Addition, Quality, Food Security


This review article covers postharvest handling of red fleshed watermelons (Citrullus lanatus) as well as possible watermelon value-added products.  The rate of biochemical and microbial reactions that take place after harvesting must be minimised so as to enhance the quality of watermelon  products. In most cases the rind and the seeds of the watermelon are not utilised despite the fact that they contain some nutrients. The seeds and rind  are thrown away after consumption of the pulp though in some African communities the seeds are used to make oil and often as a meat substitute and  the rind is given animals as a feed. On a commercial scale the rind can be exploited to produce watermelon jam and a flour that can be an additive in  baking. The watermelon seed flour can be incorporated in the formulation of weaning food. The watermelon pulp is used in the production of yoghurt,  watermelon juice, wine and powder. All the components of the watermelon can be utilised


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How to Cite

Innocent, K., & Matenda, R. T. (2024). Postharvest technology and value addition of watermelons (Citrullus lanatus): an overview . Journal of Postharvest Technology, 6(2), 75-83.