Physico-chemical composition and sensory acceptability of sweet orange (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) fruits degreened with some climacteric fruits


  • Olubukola Motunrayo Odeyemi Department of Horticulture. Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. PMB 2240. Ogun State, Nigeria Author
  • Eyitayo Adekunle Makinde Department of Horticulture. Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. PMB 2240. Ogun State, Nigeria Author
  • Abiola Elizabeth Ojetayo Department of Horticulture. Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. PMB 2240. Ogun State, Nigeria Author


Colour development, ethylene,, early season, fruits, quality,, sensory acceptability


The practice of degreening sweet orange fruits was developed to promote colour development on the rind to make the fruits more attractive to  consumers. This study was carried out to assess the efficacy of some climacteric fruits as a source of ethylene to degreen sweet orange fruits  and to assess the sensory acceptability after degreening. Sweet orange fruits (Agege 1 variety budded on Cleopatra mandarin rootstock) were  harvested at mature green ripe stage from an 8-year old organic citrus orchard at the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria in  the early season harvests of 2015 and 2016. Fruits of similar weight were stored in different plastic containers (9 litre capacity) at ambient  condition (28-290C and 75-80% RH). Degreening was induced with climacteric fruits namely: Apple (Malus domestica), Avocado (Persea  americana) and African bush mango (ABM) (Irvingia gabonesis) fruits while the un- induced sweet orange fruits served as control. Sweet  orange fruits degreened with apple, avocado and ABM fruits had comparable pH, titratable acidity, total soluble solids, juice content and juice  colour values. Vitamin C contents of sweet orange fruits degreened with apple fruits improved the quantity of vitamin C contents at 39.65  mg/100ml and 38.38 mg/100ml in 2015 and 2016 early harvests respectively with degreening and were significantly higher (p<0.05) than  values obtained in other treatments. Rind color change from green to full yellow was earliest in sweet orange fruits degreened with apple fruits  at 3 days after exposure in both years and had the overall best consumer’s acceptability in terms of appearance, taste and aroma. Use of  apple fruits could be a source of ethylene to degreen sweet orange fruits on a small scale


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How to Cite

Odeyemi, O. M., Makinde, E. A., & Ojetayo , A. E. (2019). Physico-chemical composition and sensory acceptability of sweet orange (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) fruits degreened with some climacteric fruits . Journal of Postharvest Technology, 7(2), 21-30.