Paper and other pulp based eco-friendly moulded materials for food packaging applications: a review


  • Ayan Dey Indian Institute of Packaging, Plot E-2, MIDC Area, Andheri East, Mumbai, India Author
  • Priyanka Sengupta Indian Institute of Packaging, Plot E-2, MIDC Area, Andheri East, Mumbai, India Author
  • Nilay Kanti Pramanik Indian Institute of Packaging, Plot E-2, MIDC Area, Andheri East, Mumbai, India Author
  • Tanweer Alam Indian Institute of Packaging, Plot E-2, MIDC Area, Andheri East, Mumbai, India Author


Paper, pulp, moulded article, waste,, manufacturing, recycling, characterization techniques


Pulp is one of cheap resources with abundant availability. Papers are made using pulp which finds tremendous use in packing the food products. Such  materials are also can be recycled and reused to develop moulded articles useful for packaging applications and other food contact items like trays,  cup, plate and pouches etc. Last decade has evidenced several advancements in manufacturing technologies and recycle technologies for paper and  pulp based moulded articles. However, there are also many constrains and challenges that were faced during manufacturing of products. This review  article covers the various papers and pulp based moulded articles that can be used as food contact materials along with their manufacturing and  recycling technologies. Moreover, this article also briefs about various characterization techniques used to ensure the quality of paper and pulp based  moulded articles. This information is beneficial in making progress in the development of moulded articles using paper and pulp.


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How to Cite

Dey, A., Sengupta, P., Pramanik, N. K., & Alam, T. (2020). Paper and other pulp based eco-friendly moulded materials for food packaging applications: a review. Journal of Postharvest Technology, 8(3), 1-21.