Non-destructive techniques for grading of mango: a review


  • Chandra Sekhar Nandi Applied Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering Department, University Institute of Technology, The University of Burdwan, Burdwan, India Author


Maturity, quality, grading, mango, non-destructive techniques


Postharvest grading of fruits is vital to maximizing the profit, as it offers a variety of choices to the customers. This paper presents the recent developments  and future scopes in non-destructive techniques for grading of agricultural products like fruit, especially mango. The significant technologies that  associated with non-destructive techniques are machine vision, electronic nose (e-nose), near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy, and multispectral and  hyperspectral imaging. In this paper, different non-destructive techniques to assess the quality and safety parameters of fruits as applied by the  researchers in the recent past have been discussed. These techniques work on different fruit characteristics like colour, aroma, firmness, defects and  chemical compositions, etc. The limitations, challenges and future scopes of research of these techniques, along with a suitable comparison, are  presented in this paper. It is concluded that hyperspectral imaging is a great and promising technique for estimation of quality and safety of fruits and  food products. Moreover, machine vision is the most widespread and versatile technique for maturity and visual quality detection of fruit at high speed  and low-cost applications. 


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How to Cite

Nandi , C. S. (2022). Non-destructive techniques for grading of mango: a review . Journal of Postharvest Technology, 10(1), 109-121.