Safeguarding Indian Agriculture through Plant Quarantine Regulations: Emerging Issues & Way Forward


  • S N Sushil ICAR-Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research, Lucknow-226 002, India
  • D K Nagaraju Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine and Storage, Regional Central Integrated Pest Management Centre, Bangalore-560 115, India
  • R P Srivastava ICAR-Central Institute of Subtropical Horticulture, Lucknow-226 002, India


Invasive pests, Destructive Insect Pest Act, Plant Quarantine Order, Agricultural Bio-security, India


The bio-security of Agriculture can never be ignored, as is food security. The world has become a global village due to unprecedented trade in agriculture between countries and people’s ability of travel. India having a diverse climatic condition and rich biodiversity is vulnerable to the pest vagaries. Introduction, spread and establishment of invasive insects, diseases, weeds and other organisms is detrimental to the plants. Such invasions have caused havocs in the past. The plant quarantine is the only way to safeguard future of plant health in general and agriculture in particular. The present paper throws light on the existing plant quarantine regulations in India and critically analyses the emerging issues pertaining to pest incursions and also discusses about the way forwards to safeguard Indian Agriculture. 


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How to Cite

Sushil, S. N., Nagaraju, D. K., & Srivastava, R. P. (2021). Safeguarding Indian Agriculture through Plant Quarantine Regulations: Emerging Issues & Way Forward . Journal of Eco-Friendly Agriculture, 17(2), 1-00.