Measuring Service Standards of a Logistics Company: A Case Study of Delhivery Private Limited (In do-China)


  • Sarmistha Sarma Associate Professor Department of Business Management Institute of Innovation in Technology & Management New Delhi, India Author
  • Mohit Garg Student of Bachelor of Business Administration Institute of Innovation in Technology & Management Author


TAT (Turn Around Time), Logistics, B2B, B2C


Logistics continually meets new challenges, and is changing faster now than at any time in the  past. Every business whether it is B2B or B2C all requires an efficient logistics service provider  which delivers goods to the final customers timely. Now a days, there are many examples like  zomato, swiggy, amazon in which the main element of success in the market and to win over  competitor is an effective delivery/logistics mechanism. As the competition in logistics industry  increasing day-by-day, almost all logistics companies are trying hard to satisfy their customers in  terms of time promised for delivering the shipment to the final destination also called as TAT ( Turn  Around Time ). Business always wonts to choose those logistics service provider who's TAT is  minimum as compared to others and at the same time efficiency in promising TAT is greater than  others. Therefore, in logistics industry the key factor for analysing the effectiveness of a company  in the industry is TAT and this TAT is also a main factor for measuring & analysing service standards  of any logistics company. Thus this research paper which is based on primary data collected from  real time data processing at Delhivery Private Limited, aims to measure and analyse service  standards at different stages and also highlighting the main causes of discrepancies in breaching  TAT in each individual stages.  


Websites: solutions HTM • https://www. business2comm unity.corn/ product -managemen ti 5-wa ys-enhance-logistical-efficiency-improve customer-relations-01457007

• http:/ / corporate/ editorial-articles/key-steps-to-consider-when-improving-your delivery-performance



How to Cite

Measuring Service Standards of a Logistics Company: A Case Study of Delhivery Private Limited (In do-China) . (2024). IITM JOURNAL OF BUSINESS STUDIES (JBS), 5(1), 54-65.