The Relationship between Sensory Design and the Perceived Value of Service Quality: The Interactive Role of Strategic upgrading an Empirical Study of Retail Stores in Samawah


  • Jasim Rahi Kadim Federal board of supreme audit / Muthanna Control Directorate ,Sawa University, Almuthana, Iraq.
  • Shahad Baqer Jahil Department of Health Administration, College of Health & Medical Technology, Sawa University, Almuthana, Iraq.
  • Safaa K Kadhem Al Muthanna University- College of Administration and Economics ,Sawa University, Samawah, Iraq
  • Yousif Mousa Sabti Department of Health Administration, College of Health & Medical Technology, Sawa University, Samawah, Iraq
  • Abdullah Abdulmalike Neama Department of Business Administration, Collage of Administration and Economics, Almaaqal University, Basrah, Iraq.



Sensory design, Service quality, Perceived value


The current research aims to know the association between sensory design and  perceived value and the interactive effect of upgrading. The researcher distributed  (60) questionnaires in retail stores in the city of Samawah. The design contributes  to achieving the perceived value of the customer, and this was what the researcher  tried to prove by analyzing the data he obtained on the real role of SD in creating  customer value.  


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How to Cite

Kadim, J. R., Jahil, S. B., Kadhem, S. K., Sabti, Y. M., & Neama, A. A. (2023). The Relationship between Sensory Design and the Perceived Value of Service Quality: The Interactive Role of Strategic upgrading an Empirical Study of Retail Stores in Samawah . International Journal of Rehabilitation and Special Education (IJRSE) , 3(2), 47-57.