ABC-Based Behavior Intervention Plan for Learners with Special Needs in the Inclusive Classroom


  • Alayla Louise del Castillo Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University, Philippines



ABC-based behavior intervention plan, inclusive classroom, learners with special needs


The inclusion of learners with special needs in an inclusive classroom poses a challenge  to the teacher’s classroom behavior management. These learners tend to present  challenging behaviors during the teaching-learning process that disrupt the flow of  the classroom system. This paper studied the challenging behaviors of learners with  special needs in the inclusive classroom by recording and observing the behaviors  through the ABC recording sheets and the classroom behavior management strategies  employed by the teachers of the learners with special needs. A descriptive-quantitative  research design was used in the analysis of data. The challenging behaviors displayed by the learner with ADHD were talking to  seatmate, tappping pencil on her desk, and standing in the middle of the class. The  challenging behaviors presented by the learner with emotional and behavioral  difficulties were not paying attention, forgetting and not completing tasks, and not  participating in classroom activities. The challenging behaviors manifested by  the learner with ASD were throwing tantrums, defying teacher’s instructions, and  hugging someone tightly. ABC-Based Behavior Intervention Plans are proposed  to modify and improve the challenging behaviors of learners with special needs in  the inclusive classroom. 


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Alayla Louise A. del Castillo ABC-Based Behavior Intervention Plan for Learners with Special Needs in the Inclusive Classroom

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Sobeck, E. E. & Reister, M. (2020). Preventing challenging behavior: 10 behavior management strategies every teach ers should know. Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth, 65(1), 70-78. https://doi. org/10.1080/1045988X.2020.1821347

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How to Cite

Castillo, A. L. del. (2024). ABC-Based Behavior Intervention Plan for Learners with Special Needs in the Inclusive Classroom. International Journal of Rehabilitation and Special Education (IJRSE) , 5(1), 1-11.