Nutritional Status of Children on Complementary Feeding Practices


  • N. B. Jadav Senior Scientist and Head,Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Junagadh Agricultural University, Pipalia, Rajkot-360410, Gujarat
  • Mamta Kumari Subject Matter Specialist, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Junagadh Agricultural University, Pipalia, Rajkot-360410, Gujarat
  • Jagdeep Singh Senior Consultant and Director, Recap Consultancy LLP, Varanasi-221007, Uttar Pradesh



Nutritional status, Complementary feeding, Malnutrition, Feeding practices, Health, Community, Breastfeeding


Complementary feeding is transitional phase where the infant is introduced with the solid foods. It is a gradual change from breastfeeding to family foods to the baby achieving six months of age. Introduction of timely, adequate and balanced weaning food is perhaps one of the most important measures to combat infant’s malnutrition. Poor feeding practices results in poor performance in later life. For the study, 25 children were selected from an Anganwadi Centre and discovered the prevalence of malnutrition among the children (1-5 years) on the basis of height, weight, head/chest circumference, MUAC, etc. The degree of malnutrition was higher in boys than girls due to poor socio-economic conditions, lack of knowledge of mothers, dietary pattern, early marriages, lack of weaning/supplementary food, etc. To prevent childhood malnutrition mother’s knowledge and good feeding practices should be prioritized. Thus, promotion of appropriate feeding practices should focus not only to mothers but also on other family members through Anganwadi Workers to prevent malnutrition.


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How to Cite

Nutritional Status of Children on Complementary Feeding Practices (N. B. . Jadav, M. . Kumari, & J. . Singh , Trans.). (2021). Indian Journal of Extension Education, 57(4), 13-17.