Ultrasonic ovarian status in summer anestrus postpartum Murrah buffaloes


  • NAVNEET ROHILIA Department of Animal Reproduction, Gynaecology and Obstetrics, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar - 125 004 (Haryana)


Murrah buffaloes, anestrus, postpartum


The present investigation was aimed to diagnose the ovanan status in postpartum anestrus buffaloes during summer by
ultrasonography. Twelve parous lactating, suckled Murrah buffaloes (Buba/us bubalis) 64-180 days postpartum (1st to 3rd
lactation) were included in the study. Ovarian follicular changes were monitored with a real time B-mode ultrasound scanner
using frequency of 7 .0 MHz on day O (first day of scanning), 6, 8 and day 10. Ultrasonographic scanning of ouaries at W day~
interval clearly revealed the presence of CL in three animals (25% ). The average number of small ( <4mm diameter), medium ( 4-
9 mm diameter), large (>9 mm diameter) and total follicles in both ov~es ranged from 4.8 to 5.3, 2.2 to 2.4, 0.6 to 0.8 and 7.7
to 8.3, respectively. Six of the remaining nine animals had at least one large follicle(> 9 mm diameter) in growing phase from day
6 to day 10. The remaining three animals had the largest follicles of< 9 mm in diameter on day 10. Similarly, overall largest
follicle mean diameter ranged from 9.7 to 10.5 mm. In conclusion, anestrus condition occurs due to failure of ovulation, rather
than failure of development of dominant follicle, as revealed in summer anestrus postpartum buffaloes except sub estrus
animals. Therefore, comprehensive study of ovarian follicular turnover and related endocrine profiles is required in order to
understand the physiology of summer acyclicity in buffaloes and in turn, its judicious management.




How to Cite

ROHILIA, N., SINGH, U., SHARMA, R. K., & SINGH, I. (2023). Ultrasonic ovarian status in summer anestrus postpartum Murrah buffaloes. The Indian Journal of Animal Reproduction, 26(2), 95-98. https://acspublisher.com/journals/index.php/ijar/article/view/6415