Author Guidelines

The Indian Journal of Animal Reproduction

The Indian Journal of Animal Reproduction (IJAR) is the official journal of The Indian Society for Study of Animal Reproduction (ISSAR) established in 1978. The society has over 3400 life members and is one of the biggest Scientific Associations in the country. The major objectives of the Society are: a) Promotion of scientific knowledge in the discipline of Animal Reproduction (Theriogenology), Reproductive Biotechnology and their application in teaching, research and extension; b) Organize National Convention and Symposium at regular intervals for interaction among scientists and field veterinarians; c) To institute awards and endowments in the name of eminent scientists to encourage research among scientists.

  •  Article processing charge of Rs. 1000/- , Foreign authors (US$ 50) must be paid (non-refundable) to following account:
  • A/c Name - The Indian Society for The Study of Animal Reproduction
    A/c Type – Saving Account, Axis Bank, PAU Campus, Ludhiana
    A/c Number – 923010014337313
    IFSC Code - UTIB0004809, UTIB0000042
    Swift code - AXISINBBXXX (for foreign authors)


The journal was started in 1981 and being published biannually i.e. June and December (special issues may be invited on different themes on the discretion of the Chief Editor and editorial board). The manuscripts are subjected to single blind peer-review process and only well written manuscripts contributing towards quality scientific and practical advancement in the field of animal reproduction is published in English. The manuscripts are accepted for publication with the understanding that they have not been published, submitted or accepted for publication elsewhere in any language.


The journal publishes basic / applied research articles, review article, short communication (mini research/clinical case reports) in the field of animal reproduction which includes but not limited to Veterinary Gynaecology, Obstetrics, Andrology, Semenology, Artificial Insemination, Embryo Transfer Technology and other Assisted Reproductive Technologies in domestic, laboratory, aquatic, wild animals and poultry. The manuscript will be accepted after editorial revision based on comments. The manuscript found unsuitable for publication will be communicated to the corresponding author and no correspondence will be entertained in this regard. The decision of the editorial board shall be final. The responsibility with regard to the data and technical details of the article would be with the authors. The copyright of manuscripts, accepted for publication, rests with IJAR.


            The journal publishes Original Research articles, Review articles and Short Communications (includes mini research articles/ preliminary studies/ unusual or peculiar clinical case reports). 


  1. Research articles: The original research articles must be based on the original scientific or experiments findings. The original research conducted must be of international standards and must contribute significantly in the arena of animal reproduction. The research must not have been published elsewhere or submitted simultaneously (except in the form of abstract in the scientific conferences/ symposiums). The original research article must not exceed 7500 words in total (excluding references). The total number of tables and figures must not exceed 12 in one research article. The manuscript must be written in Times New Roman font, 12 font size and 1.5 line spacing and justified context. All headings in the manuscript must be capitalized, sub-headings must be in sentence case while, sub-sub-headings in sentence case must be italicized and all headings, sub-headings and further shall be bold. The total number of references in an original research articles must not exceed 40. The tables must be supplied at the end of the manuscript as well as figure captions at the end. The figures files must be supplied as separate individual files in the online submission system of the journal. The manuscript shall be divided in the following headings and sub-headings.  

TITLE PAGE: The title page of the manuscript must include title of manuscript (in sentence case), full names of authors with their current affiliations and address (superscript 1, 2, 3 … should be written on the names of authors to designate different affiliations and addresses). The corresponding author must be designated with * and email address for correspondence must be written below the affiliation of authors.

ABSTRACT: The word ABSTRACT” must be written in italics and to be capitalized. The abstract of an original research article must be less than 250 words. References must not be there in the abstract part and it must describe the aim/objectives, methodology, results and conclusion in brief without any subheadings.  

Key words: There should be 3-6 key words related to the study written below the abstract with each word separated by comma. These key words help in the identification and searching of the manuscript in the database.

INTRODUCTION: The heading “INTRODUCTION” must be capitalized. The introduction part of original research article must comprise of background of the research, related review of literature in brief, research gaps, hypothesis and objectives/aims of the study. The introduction part shall be written without any subheadings. 

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The heading “MATERIALS AND METHODS” must be capitalized. The methodology section must include the elaborated form of all experiments. The experiment if previously published then it must be given proper citation and written in the current manuscript in brief. The methodology part must be written in the way that it is easily reproducible and understandable to the readers. The “MATERIALS AND METHODS” part could have single heading or multiple sub headings as per the discretion of the authors. All subheadings must be described properly. The statistical analysis part should be elaborated in well manner. All studies must comply with the ethical guidelines as per the norms laid by the respective institutions/ governments. In the “MATERIALS AND METHODS” the permission obtained from the Institutional Animal Ethics Committee must be provided.             

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The heading “RESULTS AND DISCUSSION” must be capitalized but could have sub headings as per the discretion of the authors. To avoid the repetition, the results and discussion part must be combined. The duplicity of data representation in terms of text, tables and figures must be avoided. The total number of tables and figures in a manuscript must not exceed 12. The discussion part must be written in scientific manner with justification of all findings of the research.

CONCLUSIONS: The heading “CONCLUSIONS” must be capitalized and the conclusions part must describe the justified inference derived from the study as well as the lacunae and future prospects related to the application of the research in the routine practicality.  

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (if any): The heading “ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS” must be capitalized. The due acknowledgement must be given to the persons as per their credit and contributions, if applicable. The funding source for the research must be duly acknowledged in this part.

CONFLICT OF INTEREST: The heading “CONFLICT OF INTEREST” must be capitalized. The authors must declare any competing conflict of interest among themselves, if any. Even if the authors don’t have any conflict, it must be given as statement that authors don’t have any conflict of interest.

REFERENCES: The heading “REFERENCES” must be capitalized.         

The references in the manuscript text must be cited as:

  • If one author (Last name of author to be written); Example: if written after completion of line then (Bisla, 2022) or if written at the start of line then Bisla (2022).
  • If two authors (Last name of authors to be written with and in between); Example: if written after completion of line then (Bisla and Kumar, 2022) or if written at the start of line then Bisla and Kumar (2022).
  • If more than two authors {Last name of first author to be written with et al., (non-italic)}; Example: if written after completion of line then (Bisla et al., 2022) or if written at the start of line then Bisla et al. (2022).

In bibliography part the complete references must be cited as:

The journals names must be abbreviated as per the standard nomenclature. 

For Scientific publications of journals

Rao, A.R. (1996). Pioneers in Animal Reproduction. Indian J. Anim. Reprod., 17(2): 1546-1547.

Mann, G.E. and Lamming, G.E. (2001). Relationship between maternal endocrine environment, early embryo development and inhibition of luteolytic mechanism in cows. Reproduction, 121(1): 175-180.

Binelli, M., Thatcher, W.E., Mattos, R. and Baruselli, P.S. (2001). Antiluteolytic strategies to improve fertility in cattle. Theriogenology, 56: 1451-1463.

For Book chapters/books

Niemann, H., and Elsaesser, F. (1983). Steroid hormones in early pig embryo development. In: Bavister, B.D. (ed.), The Mammalian preimplantation Embryo. 1st ed., Plenum Press, New York. pp. 117-132.

For Web sources

20th Livestock Census, 2019, Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Government of India. Retrieved from

For Reports of reputed organizations (eg. National and International government/ non-government agencies)

Annual Report (2022-23). Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Government of India. Retrieved from

For Thesis/ Dissertation

  1. For authors having first name only

Amarjeet. (2019). Synthesis, Functionalization and Bio-Conjugation of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Improving Post-thaw Semen quality in Buffaloes. MVSc thesis submitted to ICAR-Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, India. 

  1. For authors having full name (First, Middle and last name)

Kumar, A. (2012). Thesis title. PhD thesis submitted to Institute name, place, country. 

For conference/ symposium proceedings/ abstracts

Honparkhe, M., Ghuman, S.P.S., Singh, J., Dhindsa, S.S., Kumar, A., Chandra, M. and Brar, P.S. (2014). Diagnosing sub-clinical endometritis through uterine cytobrush cytology and its treatment with proteolytic enzymes in buffaloes. In: XXIX Annual Convention and National Symposium of Indian Society for Study of Animal Reproduction on “Frontier Reproductive Biotechnologies for Enhancing Animal Fertility and Fecundity: Global perspective”, Maharashtra Animal and Fishery Science University, Nagpur, India, January 8-10, pp. 147.

  1. Review article: The review article can be invited from the esteemed expert in their respective field by the editorial team, as well; review articles can be submitted directly in the journal by authors. The review articles must be based on scientific topics of current trend as well as must give the complete description regarding the available literature in that context and current limitations with future scope. The authors writing review paper must have some background on that area of work. The total number of references in the review article must not exceed 120. The review article must not exceed 12000 words (excluding references). All figures or tables extracted from the available literature must be duly cited as well as permission from the publisher must be obtained to use the published literature by the authors. The format of review article shall be like TITLE PAGE, ABSTRACT (≤250 words), Keywords, INTRODUCTION, BODY OF THE REVIEW (headings and subheadings as per the choice of the authors but as per guidelines of the journal), CONCLUSIONS, FUTURE PROSPECTS (if any), ACKNOWLEDGMENTS (if any), CONFLICT OF INTEREST and REFERENCES. The tables must be supplied at the end of the manuscript as well as figure captions at the end. The figures files must be supplies as separate individual file in the online submission system of the journal.     
  2. Short communication: If short communication is a mini research article then the writing pattern (headings and subheadings) must be similar to original research article with maximum words limit not exceeding 5000 words (excluding references). The number of references must not exceed 30.

If short communication is a clinical case report/ clinical case series/ clinical article, the word count limit is 5000 words (excluding references). The number of references must not exceed 20. The headings of a case report must be like TITLE PAGE, ABSTRACT (≤250 WORDS), Keywords, INTRODUCTION, CASE HISTORY AND OBSERVATIONS, TREATMENT AND DISCUSSION, CONCLUSIONS, ACKNOWLEDGMENT (if any), CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND REFERENCES. Only unusual or rare case reports are accepted in the journal, routine case reports will not be accepted.

The articles submitted in the journal without following the complete author guidelines shall be solemnly rejected. 


The manuscript submission and review process is handled online. To submit an article to The Indian Journal of Animal Reproduction, please go to and please ensure that the corresponding author’s valid email is present in the manuscript after registering as new user in the journal system.      Author’s Declaration Certificate in the prescribed format and duly signed by the authors must be supplied along with the manuscript.

Units and abbreviations

Any abbreviations of chemical, biological, veterinary, or other terms should only be employed when it is certain that they are internationally known. The full name must be stated in brackets when the abbreviation is first used in the manuscript. Metric system should be followed in the manuscript. Authors are requested to use the following abbreviations. Body weight - b wt, Kilogram - kg, International Units - IU, Centimeter - cm, Kilo calories - kcal, At the rate of - @, Count per minute - cpm, Milligram - mg, et al - et al., Cubic centimetre - cm3, Microgram - μg, Inch - in, Square centimeter - cm2, Millilitre - ml, Intramuscular - im, Degree centigrade - ºC, Microlitre - μl, Intravenous - iv, Degree Fahrenheit - ºF, Picogram - pg, Subcutananeous - sc, Decilitre - dl, Parts per million - ppm, Once a day - od, Gram - g, Hour(s) - h, Twice a day - bid, Litre - l, Minute(s) - min, Thrice a day - tid, Metre - m, Second(s) - sec, Revolution per min - rpm, Per cent - %, Year(s) - yr, Artificial Insemination - AI.

Publication charges

Currently, the journal is not having any publication or processing charges.

Peer Review Policy

The practice of peer review is to ensure that only good scientific literature is published. It is an objective process at the heart of good scholarly publishing and is carried out by all reputable scientific journals. Our referees play a vital role in maintaining the high standards of review Policy and all manuscripts are peer reviewed following the procedure outlined below.

Initial manuscript evaluation: The Editor in consultation with associate editor first evaluates all manuscripts. Manuscripts rejected at this stage are insufficiently original, have serious scientific flaws, have poor grammar or English language, or are outside the aims and scope of the journal. Those that meet the minimum criteria are normally passed on to at least 2 experts for review.

Type of Peer Review: Single blind reviewing, where reviewer remain anonymous throughout the process is followed in the journal.

How the referee is selected: Whenever possible, referees are matched to the paper according to their expertise and our database is constantly being updated.

Referee reports: Referees are asked to evaluate whether the manuscript: - Is original - Is methodologically sound - Follows appropriate ethical guidelines - Has results which are clearly presented and support the conclusions - Correctly references previous relevant work with marking of all grammatical and typographical errors.

Language correction: It is somewhat part of the peer review process, but not binding to the referees but, if they so wish, suggest corrections to the manuscript.

How long does the review process take?: The time required for the review process is dependent on the response of the referees. Should the referee’s reports contradict one another or a report is unnecessarily delayed, a further expert opinion will be sought. In rare cases for which it is extremely difficult to find a second referee to review the manuscript, or when the one referee’s report has thoroughly convinced the Editor, decisions at this stage to accept, reject or ask the author for a revision are made on the basis of only one referee’s report. The Editor’s decision will be sent to the author with recommendations made by the referees, which usually includes verbatim comments by the referees. Revised manuscripts might be returned to the initial referees who may then request another revision of a manuscript.

Final report: A final decision to accept or reject the manuscript will be sent to the author along with any recommendations made by the referees, and may include verbatim comments by the referees.

Editor’s Decision is final: Referees advise the editor, who is responsible for the final decision to accept or reject the article.

Evaluation of Level of Pesticide Residue in Blood and its Effects on Hormonal Levels of Crossbred Bulls


Paramveer Singh Sangha1*, Ajeet Kumar1, Mrigank Honparkhe1,
Jasbir Singh Bedi2, Ashwani Kumar Singh1, Prahlad Singh1


1Department of Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrics

2School of One Health

Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University,

Ludhiana - 141 004













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Sample copy Research article

Sample Short communication

Sample Review article