Trace minerals and freezability of cross-bred bull semen
Freezability, crossbred, trace mineralsAbstract
In the present study the effect of trace elements of semen on freezing from four good and four poor freezable crossbred
bulls were investigated. The mean concentration of copper (μg/ml), cobalt (μg/ml) , zinc (μg/ml) and iron (μg/ml) in the neat seminal
plasma of good freezable semen was 0.874±0.092, 0.48 I ±0.038, I 0.5 I 9±0.648 and 48.98±3.09, whereas the corresponding
concentration in the post-thaw semen samples was 0.084±0.01 I, 0.128±0.039, 2.282±0.241 and 15.73±1.06, respectively. Similarly,
the concentration of the above trace minerals in the poor freezable bull semen was estimated to be 0.629±0.071, 0.341±0.037,
5.065±0.446 and 45.45±2.60 in neat and 0.066±0.009, 0. I 03±0.023, 1.993±0.25 I and 19.00±1.01 in post-thaw semen samples.
Highly significant difference (P < 0.0 I) was observed between the semen samples of good and poor freezable bulls with respect to
zinc, whereas the difference with respect to copper and cobalt was significant (P < 0.05) in the neat state. The post-thaw
concentration of only iron registered significant difference between the good and poor freezable semen samples.