Histomorphological and correlative histophysiological studies on the gonadotrophs of Gaddi sheep


  • S PARAMASIVAN Department of Anatomy and Histology, College of Veterinary and Animai Sciences, CSK HPKV. Palampur - 176 062 (H.P.)


FSH, gonadotrophs, histomorphology, LH, sheep


Histomorphologial and histophysiological studies were correlative on gonadotrophs of Gaddi sheep.
The folliculotrophs were oval (7.80-8.28 μm dia}, triangular or polygonal in shape. The number ofFSH-cells was
231 ± 13 .8Q cells/mm2 in summer season. It increased considerably (330± 14.22 cells/mm2} during autumn season. The
population of luteotrophs was also maximum during the autumn ( 446±22.45 cells/mm2} and minimum during summer
(242± I 0.04 cells/mm2} seasons. The minimum diameter (8.04±0.13 μm) also occurred during summer season. The
decreased size and population of the gonadotrophs during summer was correlated with the increased follicular
atresia and decreased leuteinization of the follicles leading to anestrous (summer anoestrous). Increased population
was associated with increased ovulation and leuteinization of the follicles during the autumn season when most
ovulations occur.




How to Cite

PARAMASIVAN, S., & SHARMA, D. N. (2023). Histomorphological and correlative histophysiological studies on the gonadotrophs of Gaddi sheep. The Indian Journal of Animal Reproduction, 23(2), 144-147. https://acspublisher.com/journals/index.php/ijar/article/view/5954