Current status of research on seminal plasma proteins


  • B A KULKARNI Department of Physiology & Biochemistry and Emeritus Scientist (ICAR) Bombay Veterinary College Parel), Mumbai-400 012


Seminal plasma protein, forward motility protein, ABP, BSP, Inhibin


Seminal plasma is a highly complex biological fluid containing proteins, amino acids, enzymes,
hormones, carbohydrates, lipids, major minerals and trace elements. During the past two decades
several novel seminal plasma proteins viz. forward motility protein (FMP), IgG-Fe binding protein,
immobilin, cellular retinal-binding protein (CrBP) androgen-binding protein (ABP), transferrin,
seminalplasmin, inhibin, clusterin, calcemin, ferrisplan, gossact, heparin-binding (HBPs), osteopontin,
acrosome reaction potentiating protein and BSP proteins BSP-Al' BSP-A2, BSP-A3 and BSP-30 kDa
proteins have been reported. These proteins are synthesized and secreted by various reproductive
organs such as the testis, epididymis, ampullae of the vas deferens, seminal vesicles, prostate, and
bulbouretheral glands. The origin, tissue localization, isolation, purification, characterization and the
potential role of some of these proteins in the biology of reproduction is discussed briefly.




How to Cite

KULKARNI, B. A. (2023). Current status of research on seminal plasma proteins. The Indian Journal of Animal Reproduction, 24(1), 1-8.