Luxury Retail If u have it flaunt it


  • Anuraag mittal Marketing manager
  • Priya Mittal Marketing manager


complex market, entrepreneurial class, Luxury goods, byanagement consultancy


India is also a complex market that needs careful understanding: It has both old money and new money(and even the new money is subdivided into the entrepreneurial class, the class of executives and  the brand-loving baby boomers of the call cetres), as
also pronounced by seasonal trends in luxury-brand shopping.The market for luxury goods in India is pegged at $500 illion by a report jointly drafted by FICCI and market search fim1 Ogilvy. The market is likely to grow with luxury services adding $800 million. according to a report byanagement consultancy fim1 A.T. Kearney. the Indian xury assets market is an impressive $ 2 billion. according same survey. A report by retail consultant Technopak has



How to Cite

Luxury Retail If u have it flaunt it . (2010). Trinity Journal of Management, IT & Media (TJMITM), 1(1), 39-44.