Mushrooming of Management Schools: A Boon or a Bane


  • Mahima Singh Assistant Professor, Trinity Institute Of Prof Stusies Dwarka New Delhi
  • Gurjeet Kaur Assistant Professor, Hindu collage DU


Clutter and confusion, faculty crunch, globalization, quantitative and qualitative, relevance and opportunities, value education


 The road to graduates  The road to top corporate brass ha~t studies. With  shift of interest_ to_ managem;e flooded business  globalization, foreign_ m_vest?rs h_:h cheap skilled man  deals to a country lt~e India,_ w1 I d to a demand for  ower. This economic paradigm e . ~ore management institutes which necess~r,ly ~es not roduce quality and talent. We must look mto t is as a  ~erious matter as this leads to concentration o~ a (arge  chunk of youth opting for management ~long w1th it ~e  need to inspect and monitor the qualt~ of educa_t1on  provided and modify them if need be. It 1s emphasized  that the Management Institutes have to gear Uf!  themselves for improving quality, have to abandon thetr  short-sighted and fire-fighting approaches, and adopt a  policy of continuous improvement.  


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How to Cite

Mushrooming of Management Schools: A Boon or a Bane. (2011). Trinity Journal of Management, IT & Media (TJMITM), 2(1), 46-48.