Guerrilla Marketing


  • Mahtab Alam Assistant Professor, Trinity Institute of Professional Studies, Dwarka, New Delhi


Guerrilla, Buzz, A/DAS, Gimmick, Astroturf, flogs, (WOM) Word of mouth, Flyers


Guerrilla Marketing is low budgeted than heavy  advertisement programmes but it provides better result  through (WOM) Word-of-Mouth which leads to viral  process of marketing. The main objective of Guerrilla  Marketing is to make marketing campaign creative &  attractive in such a way that people can't stop talking  about it and campaign's message will spread in the form  of chain reaction in target audience. This process  needed investment of time, money & efforts which leads  to attainment of augmented customer base & profit. The  expansion of guerrilla term is self-explanatory for the  understanding of guerrilla marketing concept.



How to Cite

Guerrilla Marketing. (2011). Trinity Journal of Management, IT & Media (TJMITM), 2(1), 37-40.