Traditional Teacher-Oriented Learning to Student-Oriented Learning


  • Megha Grover Assistant Prof Delhi School of Professional Study & Roearch , Delhi (Paper pre entld In Fl t N1tlonal ConfMncf organ/$«/ by nPS. Dwarka


Student-Oriented Learning, Traditional Teacher-Oriented Learning, teacher-centered


Student-centered /eamlng (nlso cnllod child contorod  /esming) is an approach to oducntlon focusing on tho  needs of the students, mthor than thoso of othors  involved m the l'ducatlonal procoss, such os toachers  and admInistrRlors. T/11s approach hes many  implications for tho dosign of curnculum, course content,  and mreractivif} of courses In terms of curriculum  prachc • the studont has the choice in what they want to  stud\• and ho1, they are going to apply their newfound  knou1edo According to Ernie Stnnger. "Student  leammg -processes are greatly enhanced when they  par11etp,<tte in deciding how they may demonstrate their  competence in a body of knowledge or the performance  of s 11/s w This pedagogical implication enables the  student to establish his or her unique teaming  obJect,ves. This aspect of teaming holds the teamer  accountable for production of knowledge that he or she  ,s capable of producing  


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How to Cite

Traditional Teacher-Oriented Learning to Student-Oriented Learning . (2011). Trinity Journal of Management, IT & Media (TJMITM), 2(1), 21-27.