Expert Systems – As A Tool For Knowledge Management


  • Vani Kapoor Nijhawan Assistant Professor, Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies, Delhi.


Knowledge Management, Recession, Knowledge Management tools, Expert system


The exponential increase in information, primarily due to  the electronic capture of data and its storage in vast data  warehouses, has created a demand for analyzing the large amount of data generated by today’s organizations so that  enterprise can survive in the times of recession. There are Knowledge Management is expensive. Effective management of knowledge requires hybrid  solutions of people and technology. Knowledge Management is highly political. Knowledge Management requires knowledge various tools that can be used to capture and codify  knowledge, include databases, data mining techniques,  groupware and various types of artificial intelligence tools  like expert systems. The paper outlines these techniques,  and focuses on expert systems as a tool for deriving  knowledge from organizations data assets.


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Knowledge Management Tools and Academic Library Services– Lalitha Aswath & Sangita Gupta – ICAL 2009 Vision And Roles Of The Future Academic Libraries.

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Expert System: A Catalyst In Educational Development In Nigeria - Nwigbo Stella - Proceedings of the 1st International Technology, Education and Environment Conference.



How to Cite

Expert Systems – As A Tool For Knowledge Management. (2012). Trinity Journal of Management, IT & Media (TJMITM), 3(1), 23-25.