Role of Service in Economic Growth


  • Sarita Chawla Assistant Professor; Trinity Institute of Professional Studies, Dwarka, New Delhi


Economic Growth, (GDP), non-banking financial companies, co-oper atives, insurance companies


In India the services sector with an around 57 per cent contribu tion to the gross domestic product (GDP) has made rapid strides  in the last few years and emerged as the largest and fastest-grow ing sector of the economy. Besides being the dominant sector in  India’s GDP, it has also contributed substantially to foreign in vestment flows, exports, and employment. India’s services sec tor covers a wide variety of activities that have different features  and dimensions. The service sector comprises commercial banks,  insurance companies, non-banking financial companies, co-oper atives, pension funds, mutual funds and other smaller financial  entities. The financial sector in India is predominantly a banking  sector with commercial banks accounting for more than 60 per  cent of the total assets held by the financial system.


Source: Extracted from National Industrial Classifica tion, Central Statistical Organization, Ministry of Statistics and Programmed Implementation (MOSPI), Government of India, 2008 nic_2008_17apr09.pdf (last accessed on May 2, 2012 2. World Economic Outlook: August 2012

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How to Cite

Role of Service in Economic Growth. (2015). Trinity Journal of Management, IT & Media (TJMITM), 6(1), 32-35.