The Significance Of Social Media In The Insurance Industry In The Present Scenario


  • B R Singh Assistant Professor; ASIBAS Amity University, Noida


Social Media, social networking, social platforms, collaboration, insurance, claim processes


There is emergence of a number of major technology trends  impacting the insurance industry, one of these is the rise of  social media as a formidable socio cultural force, the implication  whereof will be instantaneous.Over the last one decade, social  media has been used by people for a number of motives:  entertainment, communicating, collaborating, seeking expert  advice, sharing information, sharing opinions, etc. Of late, social  scientists have observed that social media have increased people’s  connectivity and facilitated users’ direct involvement to a great  extent.This paper suggests that Social media can be best used by  the Insurance Industry for not only reducing operating cost but  also incurred claim ratio. To conduct this study, researcher has  extracted secondary data from various national and international  journals, reports, newspapers articles and websites. 


Erik J. Sandquis and Carlos a. Lugo (2014), Unleashing the Potential of Social Media in Insurance, Accenture, Jun 9, 2015;

Shaun Crawford (2015) 2015 Global Insurance Outlook, Ernst & Young Global Limited

Christophe Langlois (2014) , 86% of US Insurers Will Invest More in Social Media in 2015, Visible Banking, Aug 20, 2014

Chiang Ku Fan (2014), Analysis of Insurance Underwriting Using Social Media Networking Data, International Journal for Academic Research and Reflection, Vol 2, No. 4, 2014

Michael Ellison and Ian Lundahl(2013); The State of Social Media in Insurance: Interactions Surge, InformationWeek, 27/08/2013

LIMRA’s Survey Report (2014) Over 9 in 10 life insurance companies have adopted social business, 24/07/2014

Jen Sebastian (2013) How Social Media Is Transforming Insurance Company Practices, Socialnomics

Lynette Gil (2014), 9 ways to unleash the power of social media in insurance, LifeHealthPro,

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Amit Mishra (2013) SOCIAL MEDIA Social Media Growth 2013 – 2017: Every Forth Person On Planet Use Social Media [STUDY], DAZEINFO, 20/06/2013

Kethy Herrmann (2015) Springboard to the next level of social engagement



How to Cite

The Significance Of Social Media In The Insurance Industry In The Present Scenario . (2016). Trinity Journal of Management, IT & Media (TJMITM), 7(1), 39-43.