Strategic Supremacy of Organizations in Dynamic Environments: An Agility Perspective


  • Saleh A Rashid Experienced Prof. at the College of Adm. & Econ. , University of Alqadisiyah , Iraq.
  • Laith Ali Muttar Lecturer at the College of Management Sciences, Al-Mustaqbal University College , Iraq.



Strategic supremacy, environmental dynamism, leadership agilit, , employees’ agility, organizational agility


Purpose: The main purpose of the research is to highlight a new business model based on the  concept of agility with its different components that enable organizations to achieve strategic  supremacy in light of dynamic environments. Methodology: The research used the descriptive approach to analyze data obtained from two  samples consisting of(106) heads of scientific departments, as well as (420) faculty members  working at (11) private faculties in the Middle Euphrates region in Iraq .  indings: The research found that achieving strategic supremacy is possible when organizations  are able to ensure the required level of agility, whether at the organizational level, leadership or  employees. Research implications: The research concludes that agile organizations can be more effective in  a dynamic business environment and achieve strategic supremacy when they are practicing a  new business model based on the perspective of agility. Originality and value: The research contributes in creating a growing interest in agility theory  to help organizations deal with the continuous changes in the external environment whether it is  in the education sector or other places. It also helps leaders in the surveyed faculties to identify  agility competencies that still need to be developed at all levels in order to ultimately achieve  strategic supremacy. 


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How to Cite

Rashid, S. A., & Muttar, L. A. (2023). Strategic Supremacy of Organizations in Dynamic Environments: An Agility Perspective . South Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 4(4), 51-75.