The Role of Visionary Leadership in Achieving Strategic Change Through Strategic Improvisation


  • Ayad Hassan Kadhum Business Management Department, Imam Al-Kadhum College, Iraq, Maysan.
  • Laith Ali Muttar Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Al-Mustaqbal University, Iraq
  • Ahmed Abdulhasan Khait Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Al-Mustaqbal University, Iraq



visionary leadership, strategic improvisation, strategic change, strategic cue


The research seeks to explain the role of visionary leadership in strategic change through a  modern and contemporary theoretical framework for the most prominent presentations of writers  and authors on research variables, especially independent variables, visionary leadership and  strategic improvisation, which have become the subject of interest's academics' , especially in  environments with dynamism and rapid change, as well as a practical framework. My analysis of  the opinions of a sample of university leaders in private colleges. The aim of the research is to  indicate a set of objectives, including: a statement of the relationship between the dimensions of  visionary leadership and strategic change, and between improvisation and strategic change and  the dimensions of visionary leadership and strategic change through strategic improvisation in  private colleges, the research sample, as well as a statement of the effect between these variables,  and the research was conducted on a sample It includes 81 university leaders in private colleges  in Baghdad, relying on the questionnaire as a basic tool in data collection. The results of the  study indicated that the hypotheses of the relationship and influence between all the variables of  the study were achieved with varying results, especially with regard to visionary leadership,  strategic change, improvisation, and strategic change. 


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How to Cite

Kadhum, A. H., Muttar, L. A., & Khait, A. A. (2023). The Role of Visionary Leadership in Achieving Strategic Change Through Strategic Improvisation . South Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 4(4), 12-50.