Information Technology and Its Role in Libraries and Information Centers


  • Muntadher Oraibi Jasim Basra University for Oil and Gas, College of Industrial Management for Oil and Gas, Department of Management and Marketing of Oil and Gas, Basra Town, Iraq.
  • Ahmed Kadhim Hantoush Al- Qasim Green University, College of Veterinary Medicine, Public Health Branch. Al Qasim Town, Babylon, Iraq.



Information Technology, Libraries, Electronic Services


Aims research to identify the technology of modern used in libraries and information centers and areas that are used. These technologies impact on the information services provided by libraries. The research reached several conclusions, namely that there are a set of technologies used by libraries to perform their work, which have a positive impact on raising the level of services. The recommended search for some proposals which provide a suitable environment for the use of technical information in libraries and also work to raise the efficiency of human resources in libraries through Involve them in information technology courses to keep abreast of developments on the local and global levels. 


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How to Cite

Jasim, M. . O., & Hantoush, A. K. (2023). Information Technology and Its Role in Libraries and Information Centers . South Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 4(3), 134-151.