Narrative Therapy with Intersex Individual: A Clinical Case Study


  • Hafsa Farrukh Department of Psychology, University of Lahore, Lahore, Pakistan.
  • Tania Qamar School of Applied Psychology, Social Work and Policy, University Utara Malaysia



Narrative Counselling, Intersex Male, Narrative Therapy, Therapeutic Stories


Aim of Study. In the realm of family counselling, narrative counselling is gaining traction as  a cutting-edge treatment option. In the present study the use of story counselling in working  with intersex males has received special attention. The purpose of the current research was to  provide a framework of narrative counselling and to investigate how intersex males' tales are  influenced by cultural norms, worldviews, power, and privilege, and how this affects their  emotional happiness. Methodology. The present investigation used single case study research  design and collect data from a male individual with intersex problem. The data was collected  through semi-structure interview and different stories writeup from the client. Result. The  sources of the numerous themes and subthemes were investigated using thematic analysis in  this qualitative study. Through semi-structured interviews, numerous themes, such as  hopelessness, pessimism, self-blame, victimization, and learned helplessness, were found. Conclusions. According to the findings of the present study, there is a significant need to  comprehend the difficulties and psychological pressures that affect individuals with intersex  illnesses and to give narrative therapy to reduce their suffering. This study was undertaken not only for intersex individuals, but also for mental health professionals, in order to increase  knowledge of sexual issues in Pakistani society and culture and to provide insight into them.


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How to Cite

Farrukh, H., & Qamar, T. (2023). Narrative Therapy with Intersex Individual: A Clinical Case Study . South Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 4(1), 1-18.