The Effectiveness of Product Placement in Tamil movies: A Study with Reference to the State of Tamil Nadu, India


  • S. Dinesh Kumar Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, Sri Sairam Engineering College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
  • K. Soundarapandiyan Professor, Department of Management Studies, Sri Sairam Engineering College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India



FMCG products, Tamil movies, Brand Image, Purchase Intention, Consumer Attitude, Celebrity Endorsements, Corporate Credibility


This study endeavors to enquire the power of item arrangements in Tamil motion pictures. The  past surveys are more focused towards Hollywood films, and the majority of the Indian  examinations are concentrated towards Hindi motion pictures. Subsequently, there exists a  critical hole for this flow exploration to discover the viability of item position and item  advancement in the films. The review bargains on Tamil films, VIP support, buyer mentality,  corporate believability, brand picture and buy expectation are thought about to foster the  speculations. The review was led utilizing an organized poll which was coursed among 3500  film circumvents Tamil Nadu. The investigation was achieved utilizing Visual PLS and SPSS.  The consequences of this examination demonstrate that item situations really do have compelling  exploration among Tamil crowds, which likewise has a positive relationship with buy goal.  


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How to Cite

Kumar, S. D. ., & Soundarapandiyan, K. . (2022). The Effectiveness of Product Placement in Tamil movies: A Study with Reference to the State of Tamil Nadu, India . South Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 3(5), 28-41.