Determinants of Physical and Mental Health: A Cross-sectional Study among Rural Adolescent Girls in Bangladesh


  • Hossain Mahmud BSS & MSS (Social Welfare), Lecturer, Bangamata Sheikh Fojilatunnesa Mujib Science & Technology University, Jamalpur-2012, Bangladesh.
  • Md Tuhin Mia BSS & MSS (Social Welfare), Institute of Social Welfare and Research, University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh.
  • Esrat Jahan Eva BA & MA (Sanskrit), Department of Sanskrit, University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh.
  • Naima Ahasan BSS & MSS (Social Welfare), Institute of Social Welfare and Research, University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh.
  • Chayon Sikder BSS & MSS (Social Welfare), Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work, Noakhali Science and Technology University, Noakhali-3814, Bangladesh.



Adolescent Girls, Physical Health, Mental Health, Menstruation, Depression, Rural Community, Bangladesh


Purpose: This study aimed to explore the determinants of physical and mental health  changes & problems among rural adolescent girls in Bangladesh. Methods: The study was  conducted with 400 participants (adolescent girls) by using convenient sampling technique  where Chi-squared tests were used to measure the relationships between physical & mental  health determinants of adolescent girls and socio-demographic indicators (age & family  income). Findings: This study explored menstruation (72%), breast growing (14%), changes  in vocal chores (6%), increasing hair in different parts of body (4%) and changes in size of  sexual organs (2%) are the major physical health changes of adolescents. They also acquired  some mental health changes e.g., attraction to opposite sex (76%), repeated changes in mood  (43%), conscious about dress up (24%), feeling shyness (22%), feeling overly sensitive (8%),  conflicting thoughts (13%) and feeling uncertain (11%) etc. In this transition period,  adolescent girls also face some physical & mental health problems. Physical weakness  (14.2%), headache (82.8), vomiting (0.8%) and depression (54.2%), anxiety (5.5%), mental  retired/stress (20.2%, mental distortion/sadness (9%) & fear (9.3%) are the common physical  & mental health problems they experienced at this time. Originality: This study reveals the  major physical and mental health determinants of adolescent girls with their physical &  mental health vulnerabilities. As the most vulnerable group, rural adolescent girls (poor  family income) suffer more vulnerability (physical & mental health problems) during their  adolescent period.  


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How to Cite

Hossain Mahmud, Mia , M. T. . ., Eva , E. J. . ., Naima Ahasan, & Chayon Sikder. (2025). Determinants of Physical and Mental Health: A Cross-sectional Study among Rural Adolescent Girls in Bangladesh. South Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 6(1), 105-120.