The Elements of Emotional Design Needs for Cantonese-Style Chairs


  • Ye Yongjun City University Malaysia
  • Mustaffa Halabi Bin Azahari City University Malaysia



Cantonese-style chairs, emotional design, young consumers, grounded theory, Design Needs


This study aims to explore the elements of emotional design needs of young consumers for Cantonese-style chairs, revealing their design preferences and emotional resonance within the context of modern consumption. Through semi-structured interviews with 30 young consumers aged 18 to 35, data analysis was conducted using grounded theory's three-level coding, resulting in the identification of three core categories and their corresponding emotional demand dimensions. The findings indicate that the emotional needs of young consumers for Cantonese-style chairs primarily manifest in three aspects: appearance appeal, pleasure of use, and emotional value reflection. Specifically, appearance appeal encompasses dimensions such as the chair's form, color, material, decoration, and structure; pleasure of use emphasizes functional practicality, ease of use, comfort, and safety and reliability; emotional value reflection includes personal, social, and co-creation emotional values. These findings provide theoretical support and practical guidance for the emotional design of Cantonese-style chairs, promoting innovation and development in the design of traditional Cantonese-style chairs.


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How to Cite

Yongjun, Y. . ., & Azahari, M. H. B. . (2025). The Elements of Emotional Design Needs for Cantonese-Style Chairs. South Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 6(1), 26-47.